The keynote information for the International Conference of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF'14) can be found below.
Dr. Martin Oberlack
Martin Oberlack is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Darmstadt University and holder of the chair for fluid dynamics. He received his Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Essen in 1985. His Diploma degree he obtained in 1988, his Ph.D. degrees in 1994 and his Habiliation in 2000 all from the RWTH Aachen. He joined the TU Darmstadt faculty of Civil Engineering in September 2000. After various external offers, which he declined, he changed to the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in 2005 and one year later he switched to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He co-founded the Center of Smart Interfaces and the Graduate School of Excellence Computational Engineering. He has been actively involved in the editorial boards of the Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Dynamic Research, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics and is co-editor of the book Series "Mathematical Physics: Theory and Applications" of Atlantis Press/Springer publisher. He refereeing activities include almost forty international journals and ten international funding organizations.
 Prof. Oberlack pioneered the use of Lie symmetry methods for the study of turbulence physics and statistics, combustion and modelling concepts and has written widely on this with a special focus on turbulent shear flows. His current interests include: Lie symmetries of the Lundgren-PDF and Hopf equation of turbulence, construction of conservation laws, hydrodynamic stability theory, multi-phase flows, aerodynamic noise, combustion, high-performance and parallel computing, GPU acceleration, Discontinuous Galerkin numerical methods with special focus on singular problems such as multi-phase flows and large scale turbulence simulations.
 Already for this Habilitation thesis in 2000 in which he laid the foundation of the symmetry based turbulence theory he was awarded the Friedrich-Wilhelm Award of RWTH Aachen and the Academy Award of the North Rhine-Westphalia Academy of Sciences and he received the Hermann-Reissner-Award of the Dept. of Aero- and Astronautics of the University of Stuttgart for his Contributions in Turbulence Research. Recently he was awarded the Athene Best Teaching Award of the Department of Mechanical Engineering as well as the E-Teaching-Award of TU Darmstadt for the innovative development of electronic media in teaching.
 Prof. Oberlack is a member of the American Physical Society, the German Committee for Mechanics, the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, the European Mechanics Society and the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion.
Topic of Keynote: Turbulent Scaling Laws from First Principles and What We Can Learn for Heat Transfer
Keynote Lecture)

Dr. Huihe Qiu
  Professor Huihe Qiu received his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Fluid Mechanics, LSTM, at the University of Erlangen, Germany in 1994. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST). Professor Qiu's research areas are in multiphase flows and heat transfer, optical diagnostics and transport phenomena in nano- and microfluids. Professor Qiu is Editor-in-Chief of Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (Elsevier), associate editor of Aerospace Science and Technology (Elsevier) and more than 10 editorial board members of international journals, such as Experiments in Fluids, etc. He was the Guest Editor of the special issue of Experiments in Fluids (Springer) and Guest Editor for Special Issue of Communication in Computational Physics (CiCP). Professor Qiu is the General Chair of 4th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (2013), Co-Chairman of 8th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (2010) and Vice Chairman of 9th Asian Symposium of Visualization (2007) and keynote speakers in 4th International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows in Nagoya, Japan (2013) and keynote speaker in 8th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Guangzhou (2013). He is the recipient of the Best Paper Award of Measurement Science & Technology, Institute of Physics (IOP) in 1994; the Highlight of the year from Measurement Science & Technology (IOP) in 2005, the Highlights of the year from Journal Micromechanics and Microengineering (IOP, 2009 and 2011); Mosaic 2007 Measurement Science & Technology (IOP); ASME Best Poster Award, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (2010), Philips Outstanding Paper Award in ICEPT-HDP(2012); The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (SSTPA) and the Scientific and Technological Achievement Award from the State Education Commission.
Topic of Keynote: Effects of Wettability Patterns on Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in Mini/Microscale
Keynote Lecture)

Dr. Miltiadis V. Papalexandris
  Miltiadis V. Papalexandris is Professor in the Institute of Mechanics,
Materials & Civil Engineering of the Université catholique de Louvain
(UCL), in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. He received an MSc degree in Naval
Architecture & Marine Engineering from the National Technical University of
Athens and MSc and PhD degrees in Aeronautics from the Graduate Aerospace
Laboratories of the California Institute of Technology. Soon after the
completion of his PhD, he joined the Engineering Staff of NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory. While at NASA, he worked mainly on thermal control
and optical modeling of space telescopes, including the James
Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and the Laser Interferometry Space Antenna
  In 2002 he became a faculty member at UCL where he remains until now,
having being promoted to the rank of Professor in 2010. The research
interests of Prof. Papalexandris lie primarily on the fields
of theoretical and computational fluid dynamics with particular emphasis
on the fundamentals of multi-phase flows complex fluids, and reacting
flows. The activities of his group cover: i) development of models for the
flows of interest and their mathematical and numerical analysis, ii) algorithm
development and implementation for these models, and iii) detailed numerical
studies and simulations of the flows of interest via high performance
computing. His awards include, among others, the Russel Vought Fellowship
of Caltech, the William Balhaus Dissertation Prize of Caltech, NASA's
Space Act Award, and the NOVA Award of Excellence of NASA. Also, Prof.
Papalexandris has been elected an Associate Fellow of the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). His professional
activities include: organizing and co-chairing the Eurotherm-84 Conference
on Thermodynamics of Phase Changes in 2009, reviewing for more than 25
scientific journals and for several research funding agencies. Currently
he is serving as vice-president of the Belgian Section of the Combustion
Institute and on the Belgian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied
Topic of Keynote: Dynamics of Shear Layers on Porous Medium - Pure Fluid Interfaces with and without Heat Transfer
Keynote Lecture)