Ikrema Hassan, Eltayeb Mohamedelhassan
Abstract: In this study, heterogeneous soils contaminated with copper were remediated using solar powered electrokinetic treatment. The heterogeneous soils were composed of clay and sand with ratio 2:1. In one soil, a sand layer was sandwiched between two layers of clay while in another sand pockets made 1/3 of the soil mass. The third heterogeneous soil was a clay-sand mixture. An additional test was carried out with homogeneous clay to provide data for contrast. The soil samples were artificially contaminated with 150 mg of copper per kg of dry soil at water content 41% and placed inside four identical electrokinetic cells. Each cell was connected to a solar cell panel with peak voltage gradient 205 V/m. Encouraging results were obtained. Eighty-seven percent of copper was removed from specimen near the anode in the test of the clay-sand mixture compared to 86% in the homogeneous clay.
Keywords: Electrochemical, Heterogeneous, Contamination, Heavy metals, Clay, Copper.
Date Published: June 26, 2023 DOI: 10.11159/ijepr.2023.001
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