Mohamed Abdelhady Elembaby, Adel M. Salem, Said Kamel Elsayed
Abstract: Decreasing production in depleted reservoirs is considered the most critical problems in oil fields. One of greatest challenges for oil companies is resuming production again very fast and in safe manner. Solutions harmonize environmental policies and sustainability development are very important for petroleum companies. In depleted reservoirs, pressure decrease with time. Primary recovery methods do not achieve production targets. Secondary recovery by water injection can be used for supporting reservoir pressure and achieve production targets. Water injection can come from surface facility, natural dump flood or power dump flood technology. Surface injection facility is high cost and has problems of water incompatibility. Natural dump flooding has problems of uncontrolled pressures and rates. PDF is the solution for these problems. PDF technology takes water from source formation (aquifer) and forces it to be injected in target (reservoir) formation. The injected water with required rate and pressure support reservoir pressure and sweep oil to producing wells. This work aims to share the experience and learnings of improve oil production and power optimization by innovative power dump flood technology, which is used for water injection at depleted reservoirs in petroleum fields. Application of this technology enables us to overcome great challenges of reduction for oil production, cost optimization for Opex and Capex budgets, reducing hazards and accidents at workplaces and power optimization to correspond environmental policies that are one of the important elements which govern the reputation of companies, the value of their shares in the stock market, and getting the necessary financial funds.
Keywords: Power dump flood, Electric submersible pumps, Depleted reservoirs, Water injection.
Date Published: August 29, 2023 DOI: 10.11159/jffhmt.2023.011
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