Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer (EHST'19)
June 18 - 19, 2018 | Ottawa, Canada
The keynote information for the 3rd International Conference of Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer (EHST'19) is as follows:

Dr. Jean-Luc Meunier
McGill University, Canada

Dr. Jean Duquette
Carleton University, Canada

Dr. Saeid Habibi
University of Waterloo, Canada
EHST'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Jean-Luc Meunier
McGill University, Canada
Prof. Meunier has been active in the field of advanced materials and plasma technology at McGill University since 1986, following his work as a Research Engineer at the Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) from 1982. His research and development work has a strong emphasis on the design of plasma reactors in particular for carbon-based nanoparticles and their applications in the energy sector (fuel cells, supercapacitors, electrical energy storage, catalysis), and on advance nanocomposite materials or nanofluids for structural, electronic or medical applications. He is also involved in a series of coating technologies and applications for protective or functional surfaces. Among the technologies developed are the generation and functionalization of graphene nanoflakes or carbon nanotubes and associated nanofluids, non-noble metal catalysts, TP-CVD of diamond films, arc-PVD of diamondlike films, and 3D-structured film architectures for various applications. Prof. Meunier is also well known for extensive work on the physics of electric arc-surface interactions and the erosion phenomena on cathodes, particularly in the case of carbon electrodes.
Topic of Keynote:
Bottom-up Thermal Plasma Approach for Graphene: Tuning catalyst materials for PEM-FC

Dr. Jean Duquette
Carleton University, Canada
Dr. Jean Duquette is an assistant professor in the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Carleton University. He has been involved in various aspects of sustainable energy research for approximately fifteen years in Canada and Europe. Prior to working at Carleton, Dr. Duquette was an active researcher in the areas of solid oxide fuel cells (McMaster University, Canada), wave energy (Hydraulics and Maritime Research Centre, University College Cork, Ireland), and district energy networks (Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, University of Victoria, Canada). His current work focuses on numerical modelling and simulation of alternative energy systems, thermal networks and conversion processes, and low energy buildings.
Topic of Keynote:
Opportunities for Municipal Low-grade Waste Heat Recovery and Potential Applications in Canada's Remote Communities

Dr. Saeid Habibi
McMaster University, Canada
Saeid Habibi is a Senior NSERC Industrial Research Chair and a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Control Engineering from the University of Cambridge, U.K. His academic background includes research into intelligent control, state and parameter estimation, fault diagnosis and prediction, Variable Structure Systems, actuation systems, mechatronics and fluid power. The application areas for his research have included automotive, aerospace, and robotics. He has developed his own theory related to estimation referred to as the Smooth Variable Structure Filter (SVSF). He has a number of patents and has co-authored close to 200 refereed papers.
Dr. Habibi has held a number of managerial and industrial positions. He is presently the Director of the Centre for Mechatronic and Hybrid Technology (CMHT) at McMaster University. He was the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering from 2008 to 2013. He also spent a number of years in industry as a Project Manager and Senior Consultant for Cambridge Control Ltd, U.K., where he was involved in automotive and aerospace related projects. He then moved to AlliedSignal Aerospace Canada (presently part of Honeywell) where managed their Systems Engineering Department. Dr. Habibi has been the recipient of a number of awards including the 2012 Best Paper Prize from IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference, 2 corporate awards for his contributions to the AlliedSignal Systems Engineering, and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) F.C. Williams best paper award for his contribution to the Variable Structure Systems theory. He is a Professional Engineer and a Fellow of ASME and CSME.
Topic of Keynote:
Battery Characterization and SOC/SOH Estimation