Proceedings of the 6th International Conference
on Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer (EHST'22)
June 08 - 10, 2022 | Niagara Falls, Canada
The Plenary and keynote information for the 6th International Conference of Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer (EHST'22) is as follows:
Plenary Speaker

Dr. Andreas Mandelis
University of Toronto, Canada
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Aicheng Chen
University of Guelph, Canada

Dr. Mohammed Farid
The University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Adrian Ilinca
Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada

Dr. Sébastien Poncet
University Of Sherbrook, Canada

Dr. S.A. Sherif
University of Florida, USA

Dr. Andreas Mandelis
University of Toronto, Canada
Andreas Mandelis, FRSC, FCAE, FAPS, FSPIE, FAAAS, FASME, DF-IETI, PhD, is a Full Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; and the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto. He is the Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Diffusion-Wave and Photoacoustic Sciences and Technologies. He is the Director of the Institute for Advanced Non-Destructive and Non-Invasive Diagnostic Technologies (IANDIT) and of the Center for Advanced Diffusion-Wave and Photoacoustic Technologies (CADIPT) at the University of Toronto. He is also the President and CTO of Diffusion-Wave Diagnostic Technologies, Inc., Toronto, ON ( He received his BS degree (Magna cum Laude) in physics from Yale University, and MA, MSE, and Ph.D. degrees from the Applied Physics and Materials Laboratory, Princeton University. He is the author and co-author of 440+ scientific papers in refereed journals and 190+ scientific and technical proceedings papers. Currently he is an Associate Editor of the AIP Journals Review of Scientific Instruments, Journal of Applied Physics and a member of the editorial board of the SPIE Journal of Biomedical Optics. He is also a Contributing Editor of the AIP flagship magazine Physics Today. He has several inventions, 40 patents and patents pending in the areas of photothermal tomographic imaging, signal processing and measurement, biosensors and hydrogen sensors, dental laser diagnostics (biothermophotonics), several semiconductor non-destructive diagnostic technologies and laser biophotoacoustic and biothermophotonic tissue imaging.
Topic of Plenary:
Carrier Diffusion Waves in Electronic Solids used in Clean Energy Technologies

Dr. Aicheng Chen
University of Guelph, Canada
Aicheng Chen is Professor of Chemistry, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Electrochemistry and Nanoscience, and Director of the Electrochemical Technology Centre at the University of Guelph. He received his MSc from Xiamen University under the supervision of Prof. S.-G. Sun and his PhD from the University of Guelph in 1998 under the direction of Prof. J. Lipkowski. His research interests span the areas of Electrochemistry, Photoelectrochemistry, Green Chemistry, and Nanoscience. Prof. Chen has received numerous awards, including the Ontario Premier’s Research Excellence Award, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitation Fellowship, the Lash Miller Award and the R.C. Jacobsen Award of the Electrochemical Society Canada Section, the Fred Beamish Award, the Keith Laidler Award and the W.A.E. McBryde Medal of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, the Canadian Catalysis Lectureship Award, and the RBC Innovation Award. He has also been named as Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials, and Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry.
Topic of Keynote:
Design of Nanostructured Catalysts and Nanocomposites for Hydrogen Production and Storage

Dr. Mohammed Farid
The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Professor Mohammed Farid has completed his BE at University of Baghdad, ME and PhD at University of Swansea, Wales. He is Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and has published more than 400 papers in international journals and refereed conferences, 6 patents, 5 books, and 13 chapters in books. He has received several international awards and was invited as a keynote speaker to many international conferences. He is a world leader in energy storage for better environment and has provided significant contribution to the field worldwide.
Topic of Keynote:
Forty Years of Innovations in Energy storage With Phase Change

Dr. Adrian Ilinca
Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
Adrian ILINCA is Professor at Université du Québec à Rimouski since 1994 after receiving his Ph.D. from École Polytechnique de Montréal. The main areas of interest are renewable energies, hybrid energy systems, energy storage, and, more recently, optimization in these areas using artificial intelligence. The main contributions are the adaptation of wind energy technologies to cold climates, optimization of hybrid systems allowing higher renewable energy penetration, different energy storage systems. The resulting technologies are applied for remote areas’ electricity production and in rail and maritime transport industries to reduce GHG emissions.
Topic of Keynote:
Optimization of Renewable Energy Penetration in Hybrid Systems through Pneumatic Hybridization of Diesel Generators

Dr. Sébastien Poncet
University Of Sherbrook, Canada
Sébastien Poncet received his engineering diploma and his master degree in physical oceanography from Seatech (Toulon, France) in 2002 and the Ph.D. degree in complex systems from Aix-Marseille University (Marseille, France) in 2005, for a thesis on turbulent rotor-stator interdisk flows (two national awards). He was then assistant lecturer for one year before getting a position of assistant professor at Aix-Marseille University in 2006. He joined the University of Sherbrooke as an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering in 2014, where he currently is the chairholder of the NSERC/Hydro-Québec/Natural Resources Canada/Emerson Industrial Research Chair in Industrial Energy Efficiency. He is now full professor in the mechanical engineering department and the director of LMFTEUS lab ( His research interests include the experimental characterization of the thermophysical properties of complex heat transfer fluids (nanofluids, slurries, PCMs) and the advanced numerical modelings of thermal systems (supersonic ejector, vortex tube, magnetocaloric refrigeration, heat exchanger, turbomachineries…). He is the coauthor of about 250 research papers whose about 100 in international journals.
Topic of Keynote:
Advanced CFD Modeling Of Slurry Flows: A Practical Review

Dr. S.A. Sherif
University of Florida, USA
Dr. S.A. Sherif is a tenured Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and is the Founding Director of the Wayne K. and Lyla L. Masur HVAC Laboratory, the Director of the Industrial Assessment Center and the Director of the Mobile Energy Laboratory at the University of Florida. He served as Co-Director of the Southeastern Center for Industrial Energy Intensity Reduction at the University of Florida (2009-2013). He also served on the faculties of the University of Florida (1991-present), University of Miami (1987-1991), and Northern Illinois University (1984-1987). He is a Life Fellow of ASME, a Life Fellow of ASHRAE, a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He served as Technical Editor of the ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications (2014-2019), Technical Editor of the ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering (2020-2025), and as Subject Editor of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2005-2011). He has also served as Subject Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Board Member of 22 other journals. He has one book, more than 500 publications, and two US patents.
Topic of Keynote:
Mass-Based Optimization of Thermal Management and Power Systems for Space-Based Applications