Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research and Applications (ICAERA 2023)
December 7 - 9, 2023 | Lisbon, Portugal
The keynote information for the International Conference on Advances in Energy Research and Applications (ICAERA 2023) is as follows:

Dr. Jun Peng
University of Lincoln, United Kingdom
Plenary Speaker
Jun Peng is a Professor of Sustainable Energy Engineering. He received his PhD degree from National Engine Combustion Lab (current State Key Lab of Engines), Tianjin University, China in 1996, for a research on the investigation of high pressure fuel injection and spray characteristics. After four years working experiences as research fellow in Brunel University and two years as senior development engineer in Ford Motor Company, he held the position of Lecturer since 2004 and Senior Lecture since 2007 in the University of Sussex. Prior to his current appointment, he worked as Professor in Engineering in the University of Bedfordshire. Jun Peng’s research interest lies in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and combustion with applications on flows and combustion in IC engines, gas turbines, fuel cells and other sustainable energy systems. His recent research works have contributed to sustainable vehicle powertrain, non-carbon water transport technology, combination of solar PV and solar thermal for energy efficiency improvement, etc. Jun Peng is a fellow of IMechE, chartered engineer recognised by IMechE and the member of Professional Review Committee of IMechE. He was an invited fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and the Associate Editor of IET journal of Electronics Letters (SCI indexed).
Topic of Plenary:
Net-Zero Power Technology for Water Transport