Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference
on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE'18)
June 10 - 12, 2018 | Niagara Falls, Canada
The keynote information for the 3rd International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE'18) is as follows:

Dr. Yuri Yevdokimov
University of New Brunswick, Canada

Dr. Lamya Amleh
Ryerson University, Canada
ICCSTE'18 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Lamya Amleh
Ryerson University, Canada
Dr. Lamya Amleh is an Associate Professor at the Civil Engineering Department of Ryerson University. She held several administrative positions including her current one as the Program Director for the First Year Engineering Office.
She received her BSc, from the University of Evansville, Indiana, US and received her MEng, and PhD degrees from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. She is a winner of several prizes and awards for excellence in academic and research activities during. Her wide-ranging research interests focus on structural concrete design and rehabilitation, ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), life cycle analysis and management, service life modeling of concrete structures, and sustainability and resilience of critical infrastructure. Currently, within the scope of a recently funded NRC project, she is also serving as lead investigator on research into the impact of climate change on existing infrastructure.
She is a member of several national and international technical committees, such as the ASCE Committees on Risk-Based Decision-Making and Infrastructure Management; ACI Committees on Concrete Sustainability and Service Life. She has also served as a consultant on major structures that experienced severe structural deficiencies.
Topic of Keynote:
Great-Expectations — The Strength of Canadian Bridge Infrastructure and the threat of Climate Change

Dr. Yuri Yevdokimov
University of New Brunswick, Canada
Dr. Yevdokimov is Professor at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton, Canada). Having completed degrees in economics and engineering, he holds a joint appointment in the departments of economics and civil engineering. Dr. Yevdokimov acquired his degrees in three different countries: former Soviet Union (MSc equivalent in engineering and PhD equivalent in economics), USA (MSc in economics) and Canada (PhD in economics). Dr. Yevdokimov’s research interests lie in the field of sustainable development particularly sustainable transportation and sustainable energy as well as emerging markets. His work has been published in academic journals and presented at International conferences in USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Greece, China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Croatia and former USSR, particularly in Russia and Ukraine. To date Dr. Yevdokimov has more than 30 publications. One monograph, three textbooks, sixteen refereed journal articles, and nine chapters in books are among these publications.
Dr. Yevdokimov is a recognized international expert in the field of sustainable development and climate change. In 2001, he published a monograph The Chernobyl Accident and Soviet Economy dedicated to economic consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986 – the largest environmental disaster in the former USSR. In 2004-2005, he participated in a project “Modeling Potential Changes in Demand for Freight Transportation in Atlantic Canada due to Climate Change Impacts” with Natural Resources Canada. In 2006, along with Dr. Molchanov he published in Germany an article “Sustainable Development of the Caspian Sea Energy Resources” in monograph Building a Transnational Civil Society. In 2007-2008, along with experts from 15 countries he participated in an international project which resulted in publication of an international textbook Social and Economic Potential of Sustainable Development. In 2010, he published a chapter “Climate Change and Transportation” in International monograph Climate Change and Variability. During 2011-2016, Dr. Yevdokimov has been working on the project “Economic Consequences of Climate Change Impacts on Road Transportation in Atlantic Canada” with provincial government.
Currently Dr. Yevdokimov teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in economics and civil engineering at the University of New Brunswick and conducts research in the areas of economics of climate change, transportation economics, energy economics and political economy of emerging economies.
Topic of Keynote:
Climate Change and Transportation