Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE 2023)
June 04 - 06, 2023 | Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
The keynote information for the 8th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE 2023) is as follows:
Plenary Speakers

Dr. Venkatesh Kodur
Michigan State University, USA

Dr. Tribikram Kundu
The University of Arizona, USA
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Husham Almansour
National Research Council Canada (NRC), Canada

Dr. Nawawi Chouw
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Marte Gutierrez
Colorado School of Mines, USA

Dr. Lorenzo Macorini
Imperial College London, UK

Dr. Luigi Di Sarno
University of Liverpool, UK
ICCSTE 2023 Plenary Speakers

Dr. Venkatesh Kodur
Michigan State University, USA
Dr. Venkatesh Kodur, is a University Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre on Structural Fire Engineering and Diagnostics at Michigan State University. He is an an internationally recognized scholar for his contributions in structural, material and fire engineering fields. His research interests include Fire resistance analysis and design of structural systems, material performance at elevated temperatures and Building collapse investigations. Dr. Kodur has published more than 500 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conferences, and has given numerous plenary and key-note presentations at major international conferences. As per Google Scholar, he has more than 17,300 citations with an “h” index of 72.Dr. Kodur’s contributions to the Civil Engineering and Fire Protection Engineering professions have been recognized by peers through prestigious honors and awards. He has been elected as Fellow of six Institutes/Academies: Canadian Academy of Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Indian National Academy of Engineering, Structural Engineering Institute, American Concrete Institute, and the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. He is a professional engineer, Associate Editor of Journal of Structural Engineering, and Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, editorial board member of five leading journals, Chairman of ASCE(SEI)-SFPE 29 (Fire) Standards Committee, and a member of UK-EPSRC College of Reviewers. He has won many awards and prestigious appointments, including Michigan State University “University Distinguished Professor” Award; American Institute of Steel Construction Faculty Fellowship Award; MSU Distinguished Faculty Award; NRCC (Government of Canada) Outstanding Achievement Award; Fulbright Scholar award; “INFOSYS Visiting Chair Professor” appointment at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India; Government of India “VAJRA Faculty Award for Collaborative Research” at the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi; and NATO Award for collaborative research. Most notably, Dr. Kodur was part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and American Society of Civil Engineers/Society of Fire Protection Engineers high profile “Experts Team” that investigated the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings as a result of September 11 attacks.
Topic of Plenary:
Strategies for Enhancing Resiliency of Modern Concrete Structures under Fire Hazard

Dr. Tribikram Kundu
The University of Arizona, USA
Professor Kundu’s major research area is nondestructive testing and structural health monitoring. On this topic he has published 9 books and 386 technical papers – 202 of those in peer reviewed scientific journals with about 9000 citations according to Google Scholar with an h-index of 50 (Google Scholar), 43 (Scopus) and 37 (Web of Science). He received Humboldt Research Prize (Senior Scientist Award) in 2003 and Humboldt Fellowship award in 1989 and 1996, from Germany. He was also recognized through 2012 NDE Life Time Achievement Award from SPIE (the International Society for Optics and Photonics), 2015 Research Award for Sustained Excellence from ASNT (the American Society for Nondestructive Testing), 2017 Founders Award from Nondestructive evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics Division (NDPD) of ASME (the American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award and 2008 Person of the Year Award from the Structural Health Monitoring Journal, Satish Dhawan Chair Professorship from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and a number of Invited & Honorary Professorships from France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Poland, Singapore, India, China and Japan. He is a Fellow or a Distinguished Fellow of six professional societies (ASME, ASCE, SPIE, ASNT, ASA & IIAV) and the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the ASME Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems (JNDE). He has served as the Associate Editor of four other journals.
Topic of Plenary:
Recent Developments in Structural Health Monitoring
ICCSTE 2023 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Husham Almansour
National Research Council Canada (NRC), Canada
Husham Almansour, Ph.D., P.Eng. is a Senior Research Officer in the Sustainable Resilient Infrastructures and Communities Research Unit, the Construction Research Centre, National Research Council Canada, and an Adjunct Professor in the area of Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Ottawa, and Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto. Dr. Almansour’s expertise is in the area of structural mechanics with a focus on the performance, protection, and rehabilitation of aging structures and infrastructure against extreme loads and innovative structural systems using advanced materials. He is leading the NRC research teams in the area of climate-resilient bridge infrastructure and the area of innovative high-performance structural systems using advanced materials. Dr. Almansour supervised more than twenty Ph.D. and M.A.Sc research theses. Dr. Almansour is a member of many national and international committees, including NBCC, CSA committees S6, S 850, S806, ASCE Blast and impact loads on structures, and TAC Structure Standing Committee.
Topic of Keynote:
Resilience-Enhancement of Bridge Infrastructure in Changing Climate

Dr. Nawawi Chouw
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Dr. Nawawi Chouw is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the Innovative Transportation System Solutions (iTSS) Lab at the University of Waterloo. He is a Fellow of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and the past Chair of Transportation of Division of CSCE. Dr. Chouw received Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)’s Academic Merit Award (2011) sponsored by Transport Canada for his long-term contribution to the advancement of the academic field and to the development of tomorrow’s transportation leaders. His was also the recipient of Engineering Research Excellence Award (2021) and Excellence in Graduate Supervision (2017). Dr. Chouw’s research interest specifically focuses on evaluation and optimisation of large, complex traffic and transportation service systems where uncertainty and dynamics play a major role, and on the development of decision support tools for use in managing these systems. He has a long track record of research contributions to the areas of intelligent transportation systems, public transit, road safety, and winter road maintenance. Dr. Chouw holds several international patent and software copyrights. Currently, Dr. Chouw is leading a number of projects Chouwnded by NSERC, Transport Canada, Ministry of Transportation Ontario, City of Toronto, Region of Waterloo, Go Transit, and many industrial partners. He has served on numerous technical committees of various professional organizations, including Transportation Research Board’s Committee, Editorial Advisory Board of the journal of Transportation Research, Intelligent Transportation Systems Society of Canada, Canadian Urban Transit Association, and Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Topic of Keynote:
The Role of Soil in Seismic Response of Bridges

Dr. Marte Gutierrez
Colorado School of Mines, USA
Dr. Marte Gutierrez is the James R. Paden Distinguished Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the US DOT Tier 1 Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure (CUTI) at Colorado School of Mines. Formerly, he was Post-Doctoral Fellow, Senior Engineer, and Program Leader at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), and Associate Professor/Professor at Virginia Tech. He was Founding Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, UAE. He has also held visiting professorship and researcher positions in China, Chile, France, Japan, and South Korea. He has published more than 360 papers in book chapters, journals, and conference proceedings, and has given keynote and invited lectures at several conferences. He has been involved in several landmark and groundbreaking Civil Engineering projects while working in Norway. He is an Associate Editor of three international journals and is an Editorial Board Member of four other international journals. He is the recipient of the Geotechnical Research Medal from UK’s Institute of Civil Engineers, the Peter A. Cundall Honorable Mention Award, the Applied Rock Mechanics Research Award from the American Rock Mechanics Association, the 18th Advanced Powder Technology Distinguished Paper Award from the Society of Powder Technology Japan, and the Kwanghua Visiting Professorship from Tongji University. Dr. Gutierrez has been a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Chile
Topic of Keynote:
Rock-Support Interaction for Transportation Tunnels in Squeezing Ground

Dr. Lorenzo Macorini
Imperial College London, UK
Dr Lorenzo Macorini is a Reader in Structural Engineering with a particular interest in computational structural mechanics and the response of masonry structures. He joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London as a Marie Curie Research Fellow in 2008. Since then, he has been developing within the Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) group at Imperial advanced modelling approaches for brick/block-masonry components at different scales of representation with robust strategies for the calibration of model material parameters. He led different research projects funded by research councils and industry, where the developed models were used for accurate simulations of masonry components and systems gaining an improved understanding of the complex behaviour under serviceability and ultimate loading conditions including dynamic actions induced by earthquakes.
Topic of Keynote:
Multi-Level Modelling Strategies for Accurate Assessment of Masonry Arch Bridges

Dr. Luigi Di Sarno
University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Di Sarno holds a PhD in Structural Engineering, MSc in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Design and MSc in Structural Steel Design. Dr. Di Sarno is Visiting Professor at the Mid-America Earthquake Center, headquartered at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, since 2002. He is Honorary Member Staff at the College of Engineering, University of Bristol, UK, since 2011 and Adjunct Professor in Seismic Engineering at INTEC, Dominican Republic. Dr. Di Sarno’s research interests include: (i) analysis, design and retrofitting of critical structures and infrastructure, (ii) use of innovative low-carbon materials for sustainable and resilient infrastructure (iii) engineering solutions for climate change adaptation and (iv) advanced experimental testing and numerical simulations, including digital twins for asset management. Dr. Di Sarno has authored about 250 research publications, including refereed journals, conference papers, research reports, book chapters and field investigation reports. He has co-authored with Professor A.S. Elnashai the book: Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering, edited by Wiley & Sons. He is also Associate Editor of prestigious international journals by Elsevier and Springer. Dr. Di Sarno is member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Performance Based Design for Structures Committee and also Seismic Effects on Structures Committee. He is also part of the prestigious Disaster Management Advisory Group of the Pan American Health Organization, part of the World Health Organization. Additionally. He is also a member of the Working Group 11 of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering dealing with the seismic design of bridges and member of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction of the United Nations. Dr. Di Sarno is the Founder and Leader of the Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Group at University of Liverpool, Department of Civil Engineering. He is also global consultant in disaster risk analysis and response mitigations. Further details on Dr. Di Sarno’s academic activities at the following link:
Topic of Keynote:
Assessment of Existing RC Bridges with Spatially-Variable Pitting Corrosion Subjected To Increasing Traffic Demand