Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluid Flow and Thermal Science (ICFFTS’20)
SEPTEMBER 9 - 10, 2020 | Virtual Conference
The keynote information for the International Conference on Fluid Flow and Thermal Science (ICFFTS’20) is as follows:
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Chamil Abeykoon
The University of Manchester, UK

Dr. Thomas Adams
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA

Dr. Jivtesh Garg
University of Oklahoma, USA

Dr. Mohammad Hojjat
University of Isfahan, Iran

Dr. Sergei Sazhin
University of Brighton, UK
ICFFTS'20 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Chamil Abeykoon
The University of Manchester, UK
Chamil Abeykoon received the B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 2007, with the award of best performance in mechanical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Queens University Belfast, U.K., in 2011, with several publications, in which one of his publications received the Young Author Best Paper Award from the IEEE in 2011. After completing the Ph.D. degree, he briefly worked as a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering with the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, a Research Fellow with the University of Bradford, U.K., and a Lecturer of Engineering with the Glyndwr University, U.K., before joining the UoM. He is currently with the Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Materials, University of Manchester (UoM). He is working mainly with the Northwest Composts Centre and the Aerospace Research Institute, and supervising research students affiliated with the School of Materials, UoM, and the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UoM. So far, he has authored 60+ peer-reviewed journals/conference papers. Moreover, he has authored a monograph, “Polymer Extrusion: A Study on Thermal Monitoring Techniques and Melting Issues.” His current research interests include: process monitoring, modeling, and control; soft sensors and soft sensing; process instrumentation; renewable energy technologies; 3D printing, phase change materials; and heat transfer. At the moment, Chamil’s research activities are funded by several local and international companies and also by the public funding bodies. He is a Charted Engineer and also an Associate Member of the professional bodies, including IESL, IMechE, IOM3 and ICPM; and also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, U.K. Moreover, he is currently serving as an Associate Editor of seven scientific journals including the Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer and Composites Communications. Also, he is serving as a visiting professor of the Southwest University, China. Furthermore, he has been served on scientific committees, and he has also been invited for keynote speeches of several international conferences.
For more information, please visit: Publications
Topic of Keynote:
Soft sensing and fuzzy logic based control for industrial processes

Dr. Thomas Adams
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA
Thomas Adams (or “Dr. Thom” as his students call him) received his BS in mechanical engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA and his MS and PhD in mechanical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. Currently the Herman A. Moench Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, he has taught over fourteen different courses and is one of a very small number of faculty to receive both the Institute’s Outstanding Teacher and Outstanding Scholar Awards. He has won best paper awards for his work in engineering education and technical research alike. The topic of his dissertation concerned single-phase and two-phase heat transfer in microchannels, representing some of the seminal work in the field. He has since become a leading educator in the field of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and has authored a first of its kind textbook on the subject, aimed at an audience of undergraduate technical majors, regardless of their particular field. His current research focuses on what he calls “generalist scholarship,” in which physical systems and processes are purposely modeled using the most fundamental concepts and methods available in order to ascertain physical trends and correlations that often go unnoticed.
Topic of Keynote:
Generalist Scholarship and Engineering Education

Dr. Jivtesh Garg
University of Oklahoma, USA
Dr. Jivtesh Garg is an Associate Professor in the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at University of Oklahoma. His work focuses on design of semiconductor and polymer materials for thermal management and energy conversion applications. He obtained his Ph.D from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge in 2011. Before that he performed research in the field of thermal management at General Electric, Research and Development at Niskayuna, NY. He obained his Masters from University of Minnesota in 2002. He is the recent recipient of NSF CAREER award.
Topic of Keynote:
Strain tuning high thermal conductivity in semiconductors and

Dr. Mohammad Hojjat
University of Isfahan, Iran
Mohammad Hojjat is an Assistant professor of chemical engineering department at University of Isfahan (UI-Iran). Dr. Hojjat received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in chemical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology (Tehran, Iran). He obtained his PhD from Isfahan University of Technology in 2010. Dr. Hojjat has published about 22 refereed journal papers and about 30 conference proceeding papers. Dr. Hojjat’s researches focuses on Transport Phenomena in Nanofluids, Adsorption, and Computational Intelligence in Chemical Engineering.
Topic of Keynote:
Nanofluids: Applications and Challenges

Dr. Sergei Sazhin
University of Brighton, UK
Professor Sergei Sazhin received his PhD (Physics) from St Petersburg State University (Russia) in 1977. Currently, he is working as Professor of Thermal Physics at the University of Brighton (UK). He has developed and delivered lecture courses in many subjects including Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics for 4th year engineering students. Since 2000, he has supervised 14 PhD students to successful completion He is the author of more than 550 publications, including 3 monographs, 9 book chapters and 243 papers in international refereed journals. His current ISI Web of Science (Google Scholar) citation index is 35 (46). He has been a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK) since 1994, was Chairman of the scientific committee of the 27th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (University of Brighton, 2016), a Leadership in Research Excellence Awardee at the University of Brighton (2017), and has been a Member of the Scientific Council of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) since 2018. His previous research focused on the development of asymptotic models for wave propagation in a hot plasma, and modelling of the processes in thermodynamically non-equilibrium systems (gas lasers). His current research interests focus on the numerical and asymptotic modelling of fluid dynamics, heat/mass transfer, and combustion processes in fuel and water sprays.
Topic of Keynote:
Droplet Heating and Evaporation: Recent Developments of Simple Models of Complex Processes