Proceedings of the 5th World Congress
on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'19)
The keynote information for the 5th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'19) is as follows:

Dr. Huihe Qiu
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
HTFF'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Thomas Adams
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA
HTFF'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Louis Gosselin
Université Laval, Canada
HTFF'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Michal Kazimierz Budzik
Aarhus University, Denmark
ICMIE'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Carlos Escobedo
Queens University, Canada
ICCPE'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr.Corby Anderson
Colorado School of Mines, USA
MMME'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Pura Alfonso
University of Barcelona, Spain
MMME'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Vincent Moraes
Institute of Materials Science and Technology, Austria
MMME'19 Keynote Speaker
HTFF'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Huihe Qiu
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
HTFF Keynote Speaker
Professor Huihe Qiu is currently Head of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) and Director of the Building Energy Research Center (BERC) of the HKUST Nansha Fok Ying Tung Graduate School. Professor Qiu received his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Fluid Mechanics, LSTM, at the University of Erlangen, Germany in 1994. Professor Qiu’s research areas are in, multiphase flow and heat transfer, fluid dynamics, optical diagnostics, nano- and microfluids and flapping wing aerodynamics. Professor Qiu is Editor-in-Chief/Editor/Associate Editor of four international journals and a member of the editorial board for more than 10 international journals, such as the members of Editorial Advisory Board of Experiments in Fluids. He has been invited to give 21 plenary and keynote speeches in International Conferences. He is the recipient of the Best Paper Award of Institute of Physics (IOP) in 1994, Philips Outstanding Paper Award in the International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (2012), ASME Best Poster Award (2010), Best Paper Award, 2nd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, Material Engineering (2016), Best Paper Award, 4th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (2017), The State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (SSTPA) and the Scientific and Technological Achievement Award from the State Education Commission.
Topic of Keynote:
A Interfacial Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Microdroplets on Biphilic Micro/Nanostructured Surfaces

Dr. Thomas Adams
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA
HTFF Keynote Speaker
Thom Adams is currently Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA. He earned his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, and his MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. Having won multiple best paper awards for his work in technical research as well as engineering education, he is one of only a handful of faculty ever to have received both the Institute’s Outstanding Scholar Award and Outstanding Teaching Award. His early work in single-phase and two-phase heat transfer in microchannels represents some of the seminal work in the field. He has since become a leading educator in the field of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and has authored a first of its kind textbook on the subject aimed at an audience of undergraduate technical majors regardless of specific discipline. His current research focuses on what he calls the “scholarship of generalisation,” in which physical systems and processes are purposely modelled using the most fundamental concepts and methods available in order to ascertain physical trends and correlations that often go unnoticed when relying solely the techniques of modern specialized research.
Topic of Keynote:
Microscale Thermal-Fluids: Still Plenty of Room at the Bottom

Dr. Louis Gosselin
Université Laval, Canada
HTFF Keynote Speaker
Louis Gosselin is currently a professor of mechanical engineering at Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada. He received his bachelor’s degree in physics from Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) and his master’s degree in chemical engineering from the same institution. He obtained his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Duke University (USA) in 2004. Professor Gosselin has been involved in a number of collaborative research projects with the industry on energy efficiency and energy management in buildings and in industrial processes. His research interests include the modeling and optimization of heat transfer and thermodynamics systems. Recently, he worked on geothermal energy, waste heat recovery, primary production of aluminum, smart control of thermal systems, advanced building envelopes, demand-side management, solid-liquid phase change, impact of humans on energy efficiency, thermal storage, and energy issues in the high north. From 2012 to 2019, he held the Chair in educational leadership on sustainable engineering at Université Laval. Louis Gosselin is a registered P. Eng. in the province of Québec.
Topic of Keynote:
Role of Heat Transfer R&D Community in Addressing Interdisciplinary Energy Challenges
ICMIE'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Michal Kazimierz Budzik
Aarhus University, Denmark
ICMIE Keynote Speaker
Michal K. Budzik received PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Laboratory for Mechanics and Physics, University of Bordeaux (France) and in Materials Engineering from Materials Science Division, Gdansk University of Technology (Poland) - both awarded in 2010. He was a post-doctoral fellow at The National Centre for Science and Research (CNRS, France), The National Centre for Space Studies (CNES, France), and within a joint Danish Technical University Risø (DTU)/Aarhus University (AU) Innovation Fund (IFD) project in Denmark. At the present he holds an Associate Professor position at the Department of Engineering (ENG), Mechanical Engineering section (ME) of Aarhus University. His research focuses on interfacial mechanics and adhesion where, both, fundamental and applied mechanics problems are addressed
Topic of Keynote:
Length scales of interfacial fracture toughness
MMME'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Corby G. Anderson
Colorado School of Mines, USA
MMME Keynote Speaker
Dr. Corby G. Anderson is a registered engineer with 39 years of global experience in industrial operations, management, engineering, design, consulting, teaching, research and professional service. He is a native of Butte, America. His career includes positions with Morton Thiokol, Key Tronic Corporation, Sunshine Mining and Refining Company, H. A Simons Ltd. and at CAMP-Montana Tech. He holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering from Montana State University and an MSc from Montana Tech in Metallurgical Engineering and PhD from the University of Idaho in Mining Engineering - Metallurgy. He is a Fellow of both the Institution of Chemical Engineers and of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. He shares 12 international patents and 5 new patent applications covering several innovative technologies, 2 of which were successfully reduced to industrial practice. He currently serves as the Harrison Western Professor in the Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy as part of the George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. In 2009 he was honored by the Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration with the Milton E. Wadsworth Extractive Metallurgy Award for his contributions in hydrometallurgical research. In 2015 he was awarded the International Precious Metals Institute’s Tanaka Distinguished Achievement Award. In 2016 he received the Distinguished Member Award from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, the Outstanding Faculty Award from the George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and became a Distinguished Member of the U of Idaho Academy of Engineering. In 2017 he received the EPD Distinguished Lecturer Award from The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.
Topic of Keynote:
The Selective Separation and Stabilization of Arsenic From Primary and Secondary Sources

Dr. Pura Alfonso
University of Barcelona, Spain
MMME Keynote Speaker
Pura Alfonso is doctor in Geology from the University of Barcelona. She is associate professor in The Department of Mining, Industrial and ICT Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Director of the Museum of Geology Valentí Masachs of this university. Her research interests are mainly in areas of geochemistry, environmental engineering and mineral processing and, with special emphasis on process mineralogy. She has a wealth experience in research of critical materials, specially indium and tantalum. She participated in the Optimore European project (Increasing yield on Tungsten and Tantalum ore production). She is editorial board of member of the journal Minerals and editor of two special issues, one on process mineralogy of critical materials and the other about Mineral Liberation. She is coauthor of more than 60 papers in scientific journals listed in the scientific Citation index ranking.
Topic of Keynote:
Valorization of Mining Wastes as Raw Materials to the Production of Glasses and Glass-Ceramics

Dr. Vincent Moraes
University of Barcelona, Spain
MMME Keynote Speaker
Vincent Moraes currently holds a University position at the Department of Material Science and Technology at the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, TU Wien. After finishing his BSc Degree in technical chemistry (focusing on cathode materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells), he completed his Master of Science in Materials Technology and Materials Analytics in 2015 (focusing on thermal conductivity of ceramic thin films). Within the framework of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Application Oriented Coating Development, he received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering with the thesis entitled “Ab initio guided design of boride-based coatings” in 2018. Therefore, he was awarded with the Gold Medal Student Award at the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films in San Diego. Since spring 2019 he is intensifying his knowledge on different Ion-beam based material characterization techniques at the Tandem Laboratories located at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research concentrates on ceramic thin film materials including their synthesis accompanied by technological aspects as well as their characterization. He focuses on phase stability and mechanical properties by combining computational methods (ab initio methods - density functional theory) with experimental approaches.
Topic of Keynote:
Transition Metal Diborides: Combining Computational And Experimental Materials Science
ICCPE'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Carlos Escobedo
University of Colorado-Boulder, USA
ICCPE Keynote Speaker
Carlos Escobedo joins Queen’s University in 2013 as an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering. He received a B.Sc. from the National University of Mexico, MSc from University of Toronto, and PhD from University of Victoria, and was an NSERC postdoctoral fellow in the Bioengineering Laboratory at ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Carlos has published papers in different scientific journals related to micro- and nanotechnology, including Lab-on-a-Chip, Analytical Chemistry, Nature Communications, Small and Nano Letters, some of them featured in Optics and Photonics News, Nanowerk and Nature Photonics. He received the prestigious Early Researcher Award and the TD Most Influential Hispanic Canadian Award in 2018, and serves as Technical Chair for MEMS and Nanotechnology in the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. His research program involves the development of microfluidic systems, and micro- and nanostructures for analytical applications in biology, medicine and chemistry.
Topic of Keynote:
Ultrasensitive Detection of Water Contaminants, Biomarkers and illegal Drugs Using Active 3D Metallic Nanostructures