Proceedings of the 10th World Congress
on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2024)

August 22, 2024 - August 24, 2024 | Barcelona, Spain

The Plenary/keynote information for the 10th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2024) is as follows:

Plenary Speakers

Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran
Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran
RMIT University, Australia
ICCPE 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Jishan Liu
Dr. Jishan Liu
The University of Western Australia, Australia
MMME 2024 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Arun Shukla
Dr. Arun Shukla
University of Rhode Island, USA
MMME 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Brent Webb
Dr. Brent Webb
Delft University of Technology, Netherland
HTFF 2024 Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Kamel Hooman
Dr. Kamel Hooman
Delft University of Technology, Netherland
HTFF 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Richard Stevens
Dr. Richard Stevens
University of Twente, Netherlands
ICMIE 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Abbas Taheri
Dr. Abbas Taheri
Queen's University, Canada
MMME 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran

Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran
RMIT University, Australia
ICCPE 2024 Plenary Speaker

Professor Madhu Bhaskaran is a multi-award winning electronics engineer and innovator – she has won medals from leading Australian Academies. She is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. She co-leads the Functional Materials and Microsystems Research Group at RMIT University which she established in 2010. Her work on electronic skin and wearable sensors has been patented and her group now works collaboratively with multiple industry and design partners to commercialise the technology for healthcare and aged care.

Topic of Plenary:
Soft Sensors on Polymeric Substrates for Healthcare and Aged Care Applications

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Dr. Jishan Liu

Dr. Jishan Liu
The University of Western Australia, Australia
MMME 2024 Plenary Speaker

Jishan Liu is a Professor at Department of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, the University of Western Australia. In 1996, Jishan earned his PhD degree in Mining Engineering from Penn State University. He has over 28 years of research experience on Rock Geo-multiphysics with applications to in situ mining, coal mine safety, coal seam and shale gas extraction, carbon dioxide sequestration and hydrogen geo-storage. Achievements in these areas are documented in his 335 research papers.

Topic of Plenary:
Understanding Rock Multiphysics – Key Needs in Symbiotic Pursuit of Mining Critical Minerals and Transitioning Energy

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Dr. Arun Shukla

Dr. Arun Shukla
University of Rhode Island, USA
MMME 2024 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Shukla is the Simon Ostrach Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island (URI). He is also the co-founder and inaugural co-director of the National Institute for Undersea Vehicle Technology at URI. Dr. Shukla was elected to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in 2011 and the Russian Academy of Engineering in 2015. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Academy of Mechanics, Shock Wave Society (India) and the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM). He received the M.M. Frocht Award from SEM for “outstanding achievements as an educator in the field of experimental mechanics” and the B.J. Lazan Award from SEM for “outstanding technical contributions.” In 2003 he served as the President of SEM and in 2011 delivered the prestigious Murray Lecture at SEM. He has served as the Technical Editor of Experimental Mechanics and currently serves on the Editorial Boards of key engineering journals. Dr. Shukla has received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from his alma mater, IIT Kanpur. In 2023, he received the prestigious Drucker Medal from the ASME and the Theocaris Award from the SEM. He has served as the Clark B. Millkan Visiting Professor of Aerospace at the California Institute of Technology, USA and as the Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair at the Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore India. He has also served as the chair of the ASME’s Applied Mechanics Division, Executive Committee. Along with his many Ph.D. and M.S. students, he has published more than 450 papers in refereed journals and proceedings. Dr. Shukla has also authored and edited 10 books.

Topic of Plenary:
Composite Sandwich Structures Subjected to Extreme Underwater and In Air Loadings

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Dr. Brent Webb

Dr. Brent Webb
Brigham Young University, USA
HTFF 2024 Keynote Speaker

Professor Brent Webb received his PhD from Purdue University in 1986, and joined the Mechanical Engineering faculty at Brigham Young University immediately thereafter. He has served the university as Director of the Research Office, Vice President for Research, and Academic Vice President. He now enjoys teaching and research in the department. Professor Webb has been past Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, and is currently Associate Editor of the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. He is an ASME Fellow, ICHMT Fellow, and is recipient of the 2016 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award. He serves on the Executive Committee of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer, and served as 2022-2023 Chair of the Executive Committee of the ASME Heat Transfer Division. He served as Co-chair of the past five International Symposia on Radiative Transfer. Professor Webb is author of some 260 technical publications, including 145 archival papers and eight invited reviews, and he has presented over forty invited lectures.

Topic of Plenary:
High Accuracy, Computationally Efficient Modeling of Radiation Transfer in Gases

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Dr. Kamel Hooman

Dr. Kamel Hooman
Delft University of Technology, Netherland
HTFF 2024 Keynote Speaker

After completing his PhD at The University of Queensland, Kamel has worked there until 2022 when he moved to TU Delft. Working on heat transformation, technology development, and demonstration, his research is mainly to increase the share of renewable energy in the world. He uses a combination of theoretical, numerical, and experimental techniques to conduct his research.

Topic of Keynote:
Sustainability through heat commodification

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Dr. Richard Stevens

Dr. Richard Stevens
University of Twente, Netherlands
ICMIE 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Richard Stevens is an Associate Professor in the Physics of Fluids group at the University of Twente. He has received an ERC- starting and ERC consolidator grant. His research interests include computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing. His work is focused on the fundamental understanding of turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection and wind farm fluid mechanics.

Topic of Keynote:
Modeling the Fluid Physics of Wind Farms

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Dr. Abbas Taheri

Dr. Abbas Taheri
Queen's University, Canada
MMME 2024 Keynote Speaker

Abbas Taheri is a Tenured Associate Professor at the Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, where he holds the Chair in Mine Design. Abbas has over 22 years of industry, research, and teaching experience in geotechnical engineering, rock mechanics, and mining engineering. In 1999, he earned a BASc in Mining Engineering and, in 2002, an MASc in Rock Mechanics from Amir Kabir University of Technology, Iran. He worked for over four years in the industry in civil and mining engineering projects before moving to Japan in 2005 for a PhD in geotechnical engineering at Yokohama National University. His PhD thesis has been internationally acknowledged as outstanding research work, and he has been awarded a runner-up certificate (Proxime Accessit) of “ISRM Rocha Medal 2010” from the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM). In 2008, he was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and joined the Tokyo University of Science. In 2011, he was appointed as a lecturer and then a senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide, Australia, until 2021, when he moved to Queen’s University, Canada, as an Associate Professor. Abbas is the president of the Commission on Deep Mining of the ISRM. Dr Taheri is/was Associate Editor and a member of the Editorial Board of several scientific journals, including “Soils and Foundations”, “International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science””Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment”, “International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,” “Geotechnical and Geological Engineering” etc. Abbas is/was the chair, organizer, and member of the organization committee of many international symposiums and workshops. He has produced more than 180 refereed publications. Dr Taheri has developed and taught several geotechnical engineering and mining operation courses.

Topic of Keynote:
Assessing the Stability of Large-scale Open Pit Mines

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