The keynote information for the International Conference of Machine Vision and Machine Learning (MHCI'14) can be found below.
Dr. Tom Gross
Dr. Tom Gross is full professor and chair of Human-Computer Interaction and head of the Cooperative Media Lab at the University of Bamberg, Germany. His research interests are particularly in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, and Ubiquitous Computing. In these areas he has published numerous articles in journals, conference proceedings, books and book chapters. And he has been teaching at various universities across Europe. He has participated in and coordinated activities in various national and international research projects. He is Germany's official representative of Human-Computer Interaction in the TC.13 on Human-Computer Interaction of the IFIP. He has been conference co-chair and organiser of many international conferences (e.g., currently the INTERACT 2015 conference in Bamberg). He received a PhD from the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria.
Topic of Keynote: Human-Centred Computing: The Interactive, the Cooperative, the Ubiquitous
Keynote Abstract)

Dr. Jan Gulliksen
  Jan Gulliksen is a professor in Human Computer Interaction at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden. He is also the Dean of the School of Computer Science and Communication. In 2012 Jan was appointed chairman of the Digital commission of Sweden serving the IT-minister with ideas on how to make Sweden the greatest country in the world when it comes to Digitalization. Jan is also Digital champion of Sweden, serving the European commission via DC connect. Jan has been conducting action research on Usability, Accessibility and User-centred design in cooperation with a number of public organizations in Sweden and internationally.
Topic of Keynote: HCI Research in the Wild – Action and Research for Societal Impact
Keynote Abstract)