The keynote information for the International Conference of Machine Vision and Machine Learning (MVML'14) can be found below.
Dr. Libor Preucil
  Dr. Libor Preucil (*1961), obtained his Ing. degree (=MSc.) in Technical Cybernetics & Robotics in 1985 and received his Ph.D. in 1993, both from Czech Technical University in Prague (CVUT). He is founding member of the Gerstner Laboratory for Intelligent Decision Making at the Department of Cybernetics, founder and head of the Intelligent and Mobile Robotics group (since 1993). Libor Preucil is experienced and recognized senior research fellow being involved in many projects within the TEMPUS, INCO Copernicus, EU Framework Programs FP5-FP7, i.e. coordinator of the FP5 project PeLoTe, EURON II - national coordinator, and currently participating in FP7 integrated projects (Replicator, Symbrion), Czech Grant Agency, University Development Fund projects, etc. and multiple industrial contracts (co-founder of the Center for Advanced Field Robotics He guarantees international cooperation with other robotic laboratories as i.e. GRASP Laboratory at University of Pennsylvania, Drexel university and others in the field of advanced robotics, vice-chair of the IEEE TC Networked Robots, etc. His research interests cover mobile robot control, in particular robot navigation and long-term autonomy, autonomous outdoor robotics, robot mapping and large environment robot operation. He is author or co-author of about 200 publications including four textbooks and edited books on AI and robotics.
Topic of Keynote: Achieving Long-term Autonomy in Realistic Environments
Keynote Abstract)

Dr. Jonas Buchli
 Jonas Buchli is a SNF Assistant Professor for Agile and Dexterous Robotics at ETH Zurich since May 2012. He holds a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from ETH Zurich (2003) and a PhD from EPF Lausanne (2007). His thesis work is about adaptive frequency oscillators and modeling and design of robotic locomotion pattern generators. At EPFL he organized the 2006 Latsis Conference on 'Dynamical principles for neuroscience and intelligent biomimetic devices'. From 2007 to 2010 he was a Post-Doc at the Computational Learning and Motor Control Lab at the University of Southern California, where he was the team leader of the USC Team for the DARPA Learning Locomotion challenge. From 2010-12 he was a Team Leader at the Advanced Robotics Department of the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova. Jonas Buchli has received a Prospective and an Advanced Researcher Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). In 2012 he received a SNF Professorship Award from the SNF.
He has contributed to research in diverse fields such dynamical systems approaches to motion generation and control, the theory of coupled oscillators, planning and control of dynamic locomotion, machine learning, whole body control, whole body force and impedance control and modeling of human motor control. He was involved in the development of robotic platforms as well as software engineering projects for robotic control software. His current research interests include model based control of legged robotic and human locomotion and manipulation, machine learning and adaptive control, and dynamic and versatile service and field robots.
Topic of Keynote: Robots in Touch with Reality
Keynote Abstract)

Dr. Carl Henrik Ek
  Carl Henrik Ek is Assistant Professor in Machine Learning in the
department of Computer Science and Communications at the Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. His main research interest
is statistical learning with a focus on Bayesian non-parametric
methods for learning representations of data. In particular his work
have been focused on learning low-dimensional representations allowing
for efficient inference for applications in computer vision and
Topic of Keynote:Factorized Latent Variable Models
Keynote Abstract)