Proceedings of the 5th World Congress
on New Technologies (NewTech'19)
August 18 - 20, 2019 | Lisbon, Portugal
The keynote information for the 5th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech'19) is as follows:

Dr. Aimin Song
University of Manchester, UK
ICNFA'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Albano Cavaleiro
University of Coimbra, Portugal
ICNFA'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Domenico Lombardo
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IPCF), Italy
ICBB'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Devika Chithrani
University of Victoria, Canada
ICNFA'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Mamadou Fall
University of Ottawa, Canada
ICEPR'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Jamal Chaouki
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
ICEPR'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Mohamed Hamed
McMaster University, Canada
ICERT'19 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Michael Chen
The University of Edinburgh, UK
ICBB'19 Keynote Speaker
ICERT'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Mohamed Hamed
McMaster University, Canada
ICERT Keynote
Mohamed Hamed is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Founding Director of the Thermal Processing Laboratory (TPL) at The Department of Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University, Canada. His research interests are in modelling of thermo-fluid systems, energy systems and materials processing operations. His research work involves laboratory scale experiments and computational modelling. His research contributions have been disseminated in more than 80 scientific publications. Dr. Hamed has taught several undergraduate and graduate courses covering: Fluid Mechanics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Modeling of Thermal Processes, Thermodynamics, Heat transfer and Advanced Fluid Mechanics. He has also developed a number of technical courses for practicing engineers in the areas of: Optimization of Energy Efficiencies in Industrial Processes, Advanced Energy Management, Renewable Energy Systems, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems. Dr. Hamed is a Registered Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada and a Member of a number of professional societies such as: CSME, ASME, ASM Heat Treating Society, SME, ASHRAE, and CFD Society of Canada. He is the Editor in Chief of the Universal Journal of Mechanical Engineering and an Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member of a number of international journals: The International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties (IJMMP), The International Journal of Computational Thermal Sciences, Journal of Materials Performance and Characterization, the International Journal of Electronics Cooling and Thermal Control, and Journal of Advanced Thermal Science Research. He is also a reviewer of several international journals and funding agencies.
Topic of Keynote:
Towards Net-Zero Energy Buildings - Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings
ICNFA'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Albano Cavaleiro
University of Coimbra, Portugal
ICNFA Keynote
Albano Cavaleiro is Full Professor in the University of Coimbra, Portugal. In 1990, he received a Ph.D. from Coimbra University on the field of Mechanical Engineering, with a thesis on the surface modification of materials by the sputtering deposition of thin coatings. Presently, he is head of the research group "Surface Engineering Group" of Centre for Mechanical Engineering Materials and Processes and head of LED&Mat at Instituto Pedro Nunes. His field of research and publications is very diversified as e.g. on materials and surface engineering, structural transformations, deposition and characterization of thin films, tribology, nanocrystalline / nanocomposite materials. He participated in more than 40 research projects from which he was responsible in more than 25. He was invited for talks in about 40 international conferences on his field. He supervised 14 PhD students and have an extensive evaluating activity for national and international research agencies. He published more than 300 papers from which about 270 in international journals of SCI. He has more than 5500 citations and a H-index of 38 (Google Scholar).
Topic of Keynote:
How to Use Sputtering for Achieving Nanocomposite Structures

Dr. Devika Chithrani
University of Victoria, Canada
ICNFA Keynote
Dr. Chithrani did her bachelor of science at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. She did a physics major and received a first class honors along with many other awards which includes the gold medal for faculty of science and gold medal for physics. She also received a probationary lecturer position based on her academic excellence. Recognizing her achievements, University of Toronto awarded her a scholarship to do her doctoral studies. During her doctoral studies at the department of Materials science and Engineering, she won many prestigious awards including NSERC, OGS, OGGST, and university of Toronto open scholarship. She also received an NSERC-PDF to carry on her postdoctoral work at institute of Biomedical engineering, University of Toronto. Currently, she is the director of the Nanoscience and Technology Development Laboratory at the department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria, Canada. Dr. Chithrani leverages nanotechnology to create innovations that advance the care of cancer patients. She is using gold nanoparticles as a radiation dose enhancer in cancer therapy. This work is featured on the cover of radiation research journal. This paper won the highest impact paper award in 2018 by COMP (Canadian association of Medical physicist). She has also developed three dimensional tumor models to optimize bio-nano interface in cancer therapy. This work is featured on the cover of Nano-Micro Letters. Dr. Chithrani is considered as one of the leaders in the field of nanotechnology and her publications have received over 7500 citations in few years. Dr. Chithrani has earned a strong international reputation for her innovative research through her many review articles, book chapters, and invited presentations. She is an associate editor of many nanotechnology based journals. Her passion is to develop smart nanomaterials to improve exiting cancer therapeutics. She believes that many side effects due to chemotherapy can be reduced by controlled delivery of anticancer drugs using smart nanomaterials.
Topic of Keynote:
Cancer Nanotechnology: Use of Smart Nanomaterials for Improved Outcome in Cancer Therapy

Dr. Aimin Song
University of Manchester, UK
ICNFA Keynote
Professor Aimin Song obtained BSc degree in Physics at Shandong University in 1989 and MSc and PhD degrees at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1992 and 1995. After prestigious fellowships from the Royal Society and Alexander von Humboldt foundation at Glasgow University and Munich University, he was a Guest Lecturer at Lund University before moving to University of Manchester as a Lecturer in 2002. He was promoted to Professor of Nanoelectronics in 2006. Professor Song has over 30 patents and patent applications on novel electronic nano-device concepts. He received a Royal Society Brian Mercer Feasibility Award and was awarded a Distinguished Achievement Medal for “Researcher of the Year” of the University of Manchester in 2007. His research has been published in Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, PNAS, NanoLetters, Nanoscale, etc, and contributed over 70 invited/plenary talks at international conferences.
Topic of Keynote:
Ultra-Fast Graphene Electronic Devices
ICEPR'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Jamal Chaouki
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada
ICEPR Keynote
Prof. Chaouki is full professor from 1995 at Polytechnique, Montréal. He has supervised 44 PDFs, 44PhDs and 40 Masters. He published more than 250 articles in refereed journals and more than 250 in different reviewed proceedings and more than 450 other scientific articles and edited 13 books. He has 23 patents on different processes. He is member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He received many awards. The last one is the R.S. Jane Memorial Award in 2018 for an exceptional achievement to the field of chemical engineering or industrial chemistry in Canada. He has co-chaired 10 International Conferences including the 8th WCCE 2009 where he has acted as technical director, he was also member of the 10th WCCE 2017 and he was the president of the Fluidization 15th Int. Conf. He is now supervising 33 researchers (15 PhDs, 8 PDFs, 5 MScA, 4 research associates and 1 researcher). He is a member of the Board of Polytechnique and several companies. He is world-renowned consultant for at least 20 national and international companies. He has created 6 start-ups with his students (the last are Pyrowave, Ecolomondo, RMTech and PyroCycle). He is Principal Chaire Holder of Total Group in hydrodynamic modeling of multiphase processes at extreme conditions. His work is mainly dedicated to develop processes from waste, biomass and complex feedstocks to heat & power, fuels and chemicals.
Topic of Keynote:
Biomimetic Apply to Waste Recycling

Dr. Mamadou Fall
University of Ottawa, Canada
ICEPR Keynote
Dr. Fall is a Full Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa (Canada) and the Associate Chair of the Department of Civil Engineering. He was awarded a PhD excellence scholarship for his PhD studies in Germany. Subsequently, he was granted a postdoctoral fellowship by the German Research Foundation and coordinated the German Research Chair of Environmental Geosciences and Geotechnics.
Dr. Fall and his team are performing leading edge research in the geotechnical and geoenvironmental fields in close collaboration with the industry, major federal and provincial governmental institutions, and international partners. Dr. Fall has been leading several major research projects that are related to mine waste management, underground disposal of nuclear wastes, geological sequestration of carbon dioxide, landslides, geotechnical hazards induced by problem grounds and engineered landfill technology. He is currently supervising a large research team of postdoctoral researchers and graduate students (PhD and Masters).
Over the years, his research projects have obtained substantial funding from a number of agencies and private companies, and findings of his research group have been used and implemented by the industry, key federal and national agencies, and numerous institutions or organizations worldwide. These research findings and impacts have been recognized by several awards and distinctions as well as have been broadcasted by national and international televisions.
He has been leading or involved in the organization of numerous workshops, seminars, and national and international conferences. He has been repeatedly invited as keynote speaker or lecturer and to participate at various expert committees. He regularly acts as a consultant as well as a reviewer for scientific committees, peer review journals, and funding agencies, at the national and international level. He is author or co-author of over 175 publications (e.g., in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings).
Topic of Keynote:
Are Tailings Waste?
ICBB'19 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Domenico Lombardo
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IPCF), Italy
ICBB Keynote
Dr. Domenico Lombardo is a physicist and materials engineer in the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IPCF) of the Department of Chemical Sciences and Materials Technologies (ITALY).
He is performing both experimental and theoretical research in the soft matter, drug delivery and biotechnology fields, in collaboration with the industry, major Italian and European research institutions, and international partners. His research activity is focused on:
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of the self-assembly (and supramolecular) processes of nanostructured and hybrid (inorganic-inorganic) bio-materials.
- Study of the soft interaction between nanocarriers and biological (and model) membranes.
He is supervisor of a research unit at the CNR-IPCF (Italy), lecturer in several post-graduate courses at University. He has been leading several major research projects that are related to biotechnology, material science and engineering. He has been involved in instrumental development projects within various European laboratories and synchrotron radiation facility (such as Elettra in Trieste-Italy and LURE in Orsay-France).
He has been involved in the organization, in the scientific committees and as invited speaker of several workshops, seminars, and national and international conferences. He repeatedly participated at various expert committees at the national and international level. He regularly acts as a consultant, reviewer and editorial board member in various peer-reviewed international scientific journals. He is co-author of over 100 publications (e.g., in peer-reviewed Journals, Conference proceedings, Book chapters).
Topic of Keynote:
Smart Nanocarriers and Drug Delivery: Soft Interaction and Colloidal Stability in Complex Biological Media

Dr. Michael Chen
The University of Edinburgh, UK
ICBB Keynote
Dr Xianfeng Chen received his MSc and PhD from National University of Singapore, and University of Oxford, respectively. He is currently working in the Institute for Bioengineering in the School of Engineering at The University of Edinburgh as a Lecturer in Chemical Engineering. Dr Chen’s research is focused on biomaterials, biomedical engineering, and the application of nanomaterials in biology and medicine. In these areas, he has been working on physical (microneedle & nanoneedle arrays) and chemical (nanomaterials) tools for drug delivery and sensing. He has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals and these publications generated an h-index of 40 and >3900 citations. Additionally, he has 2 book chapters and 10 granted patents & 17 patent applications in drug delivery technologies in major countries and regions, mostly in the USA and Europe. Some of these technologies have been invested by venture companies for commercialisation with investment of >36 million US dollars. For scientific community service, he serves as an Associate Editor of IET Nanobiotechnology and Editorial Board Member of Sensor.
Topic of Keynote:
Nanotechnologies for Advanced Drug Delivery Systems