Proceedings of the 9th World Congress
on New Technologies (NewTech 2023)
August 09 - 11, 2023 | Brunel University, London, United Kingdom
The Plenary/keynote information for the 9th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech 2023) is as follows:
Plenary Speakers

Dr. Matiar Howlader
McMaster University, Canada
ICNFA 2023 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Masaru Tanaka
Kyushu University, Japan
ICBB 2023 Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Devika Chithrani
University of Victoria, Canada
ICNFA 2023 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Fausto Garcia Marquez
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
ICERT 2023 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Tapas Sen
University of Central Lancashire, UK
ICNFA 2023 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Matiar Howlader
McMaster University, Canada
ICNFA 2023 Plenary Speaker
Dr. Matiar R. Howlader is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at McMaster University. His current research focuses on the design, fabrication, characterization, and development of new materials and novel engineered components to create integrated sensing systems for health, environmental, and energy harvesting applications. He applies his knowledge and expertise in nanomaterials and nanotechnologies to develop nonenzymatic electrochemical sensors for pH, temperature, cannabinoids, and acetaminophen, as well as biomarkers for neurodegenerative and chronic diseases, and chronic pain. In particular, he is currently developing foundational technologies in surface-activated nanobonding, with an emphasis on integrating flexible, soft, and hard materials with biosensors to create sensing systems that have energy harvesting capabilities. His ultimate research goals are to create personalized healthcare biosensor systems and extract data for analyzing disease biomarkers using artificial neural networks.
Topic of Plenary:
Nanomaterials-based Electrochemical Sensors for the Detection of Emerging Contaminants

Dr. Masaru Tanaka
Kyushu University, Japan
ICBB 2023 Plenary Speaker
Masaru Tanaka: He worked for TERUMO Co. and commercialized medical devices such as artificial lung (Approved by FDA and Global market’s No.1 share). In 2000 he moved to Hokkaido University and in 2007 he moved to Tohoku University. He was a Visiting Scientist, at Max-Planck-Institute (2008-2009). In 2009 he was awarded a full professorship at Yamagata University. Since 2015, he has been at Kyushu University as a full Professor. Thus far, he has published over 200 papers in peer reviewed journals (H-index 56), 50 book chapter, 125 others, more than 250 patents. He recieved the Japanese Society for Biomaterials Award, the SPSJ Asahi Kasei Award, and the British Council PMI2 Connect-Research Co-operation (UK) Award.
Topic of Plenary:
Biocompatible surfaces for biomedical devices base on the intermediate water concept

Dr. Devika Chithrani
University of Victoria, Canada
ICNFA 2023 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Devika Chithrani was awarded the faculty gold medal and the gold medal for physics when she received her bachelor’s degree in physics. She is a recipient of many fellowships by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada during her graduate and post-doctoral work. Now, she is an associate professor at University of Victoria. She leverages nanotechnology to create innovations that advance the care of cancer patients. Her work is featured on the cover of journals and her publications have received over 11,000 citations in few years. She is among the world’s top 2% scientists according to the published data by Stanford University. Her passion is to develop smart nanomaterials to improve exiting cancer therapeutics.
Topic of Keynote:
Nanomedicine as a Promising Approach to Overcome Current Challenges in Cancer Radiotherapy

Dr. Fausto Garcia Marquez
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
ICEPR 2023 Keynote Speaker
Fausto works at UCLM as Full Professor (Accredited as Full Professor from 2013), Spain, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Birmingham University, UK, Lecturer at the Postgraduate European Institute, Research Fellow at INTI International University&Colleges, Malaysia, and he has been Senior Manager in Accenture (2013-2014). He obtained his European PhD with maximum distinction. He has been distinguished with the prices: Nominate Prize (2022), Gran Maestre (2022), Grand Prize (2021), Runner Prize (2020) and Advancement Prize (2018), Runner (2015), Advancement (2013) and Silver (2012) by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management (ICMSEM), First International Business Ideas Competition 2017 Award (2017), etc. He has published more than 244 papers (153 JCR: 73-Q1; 41-Q2; 31-Q3; 8-Q4), some recognized as: “Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications” (Q1, IF. 8.49, one of the most downloaded in first 12 months of publications, 2023), “Applied Energy” (Q1, IF 9.746, as “Best Paper 2020”), “Renewable Energy” (Q1, IF 8.001, as “Best Paper 2014”); “ICMSEM” (as “excellent”), “Int. J. of Automation and Computing” and “IMechE Part F: J. of Rail and Rapid Transit” (most downloaded), etc. He is the author and editor of over 50 books (Elsevier, Springer, Pearson, Mc-GrawHill, Intech, IGI, Marcombo, AlfaOmega,…), >100 international chapters, and 6 patents. He is the Editor of 5 Int. Journals, Committee Member more than 70 Int. Conferences. He has been Principal Investigator in 4 European Projects, 8 National Projects, and more than 150 projects for Universities, Companies, etc. His main interests are: Artificial Intelligence, Maintenance, Management, Renewable Energy, Transport, Advanced Analytics, and Data Science.
Topic of Keynote:
Accelerating Renewable Energy by Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Tapas Sen
University of Central Lancashire, UK
ICNFA 2023 Keynote Speaker
Dr Sen is an expert in nano and nano-biomaterials chemistry with more than 25 years research experience from laboratory scale development to commercial products. Currently he is working as a Reader in Nanomaterials Chemistry and leading the Nano-biomaterial Research Group ( in the University of Central Lancashire, UK. He is the principal inventor of PCT application of three Great Britain patents and has published more than 75 high impact peer reviewed journal articles of his original work, high impact review articles, book chapters and several articles in books in the area of nano-biomaterials chemistry. He managed and currently managing several international research projects as a principal investigator. He has proven to be a leader in international networking by successfully delivered two International workshops ( & and two international symposiums such as “Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial Applications: Academic-Industry Meet” in March 2016 ( and “Functional Nanomaterials in Industrial & Clinical Applications: Academic-Industry-Clinician Meet” in July 2020 ( as a conference convenor, chair and coordinator.
Currently, he is leading 1 international project on Nanowater and 1 national project with local hospital on Nanomedicine. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and Higher Education Academy, UK. He is the member of the Editorial board of several peer review high impact journals, a member of the peer review panel of the research council UK and Royal Society, UK. Finally, he has also completed a foundation degree in project management (PRINCE II) endorsed by the UK government as the project management standard for public project.
Topic of Keynote:
Magneto-optical Nanomaterials as Nanomedicine