Proceedings of the 8th World Congress
on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (RAN 2023)
March 23 - 25, 2023 | Lisbon, Portugal
The plenary and keynote information for the 8th World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (RAN 2023) is as follows:
Plenary Speakers

Dr. Emmanuel A. Ho
University of Waterloo, Canada
NDDTE 2023 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Jie Yang
RMIT University, Australia
ICNNFC 2023 Plenary Speaker
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Oleh Taratula
Oregon State University, USA
NDDTE 2023 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Maria Luisa Di Vona
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
ICNNFC 2023 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Emmanuel A. Ho
University of Waterloo, Canada
NDDTE 2023 Plenary Speaker
Dr. Emmanuel Ho is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Waterloo and the theme lead for the Therapeutics & Theranostics section of the Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology. His current research program is focused on the development and characterization of innovative nanomedicines, medical devices and biomaterials for imaging, treatment, and prevention of diseases including HIV/AIDS, cancer, and chronic wounds. Dr. Ho is the past President of the Canadian Chapter of the Controlled Release Society, the past Treasurer of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS) and is currently an Associate Editor for Drug Delivery and Translational Research and the Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. He was awarded the 2021 Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy Leadership in Pharmaceutical Sciences Award, 2015 Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada New Investigator Research Award and the 2014 GlaxoSmithKline / CSPS Early Career Award.
Topic of Plenary: Designing Next Generation Drug Delivery Systems for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Dr. Jie Yang
RMIT University, Australia
ICNNFC 2023 Plenary Speaker
Dr. Yang is a full professor in the School of Engineering, RMIT University, Australia. He obtained PhD degree in solid mechanics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 2002 and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Queensland, Australia before moving to City University of Hong Kong as a Research Fellow in late 2004 then a Lecturer in 2005. He joined RMIT University, Australia in late 2007 as a Lecturer where he was promoted to Professor in 2016. His main research interests include advanced composite structures, graphene enabled mechanical metamaterials, nanocomposites, advanced composite structures, structural stability and dynamics, smart structures and control, and nano/micro-mechanics. He is an author of over 350 papers including 260 journal papers which have so far attracted over 18300 Google Scholar citations with h-index 78. He is the Highly Cited Researcher (Cross Field) in 2019, 2020, 2021 by Clarivate Analytics and is named by Australian Research Magazine as Global Field Leader in Mechanical Engineering in 2020, Australia’s Research Field Leader in Mechanical Engineering in 2019, 2020, 2021, and Australia’s Research Field Leader in Structural Engineering in 2021. Prof Yang is the Editor-in-Chief of Engineering Structures (JCR Q1), Associate Editor of Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, and the editorial board member of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Thin-Walled Structures, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Scientific Reports, Materials, and Shock and Vibration, etc.
Topic of Plenary: Graphene Origami Enabled Mechanical Metamaterials

Dr. Oleh Taratula
Oregon State University, USA
NDDTE 2023 Keynote Speaker
Oleh Taratula received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey in 2008. After that, he completed his postdoctoral research with Professor Tamara Minko at Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy in 2011. Oleh Taratula is currently a Professor of Pharmaceutics in the College of Pharmacy at Oregon State University (OSU) and a co-director of the Center for Innovative Drug Delivery and Imaging. He is also an Affiliate Research Member of the Knight Cancer Institute and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University. The major focus of his research is the development of multifunctional nanoplatforms for imaging and specific eradication of cancer, endometriosis, and other diseases. His research accomplishments have been recognized with various awards, including the 2020 AAPS Best Abstract Award, and the 2016 Richard T. Jones New Investigator Award. OlehTaratula has obtained four patents and published 53 peer-reviewed papers in many high-impact journals (ACS Nano – Impact Factor 18.0, Small – 15.1, and others). His papers have been cited more than 5,000 times (h-index: 32) and one patent has been licensed to a company. Since joining OSU in 2011, Oleh Taratula has raised over $9 million in funding and currently holds three NIH grants (two R01, and R37).
Topic of Keynote: Multifunctional Nanomedicine Platforms for Imaging and Treatment of Cancer and Other Diseases

Dr. Maria Luisa Di Vona
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
ICNNFC 2023 Keynote Speaker
Professor in Chemistry at the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Responsible of the International Laboratory “Ionomer Materials for Energy” at the Department of Industrial Engineering. Principal investigator of several Research Projects and Educational Projects. Italian coordinator of the Master Erasmus Mundus “Chemical Nano-engineering”. Invited professor at Aix-Marseille University, France and Nat. Inst. Mater. Sci. NIMS, Japan. Principal organizer of many international symposia. Research Interests: Synthesis of organic-inorganic materials. Development of ionic polymeric conductors. 190 international publications.
Topic of Keynote: Ionomers and Electrocatalysts for Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells