Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
of Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE'21)
May 17 - 19, 2021 | Niagara Falls, Canada
Virtual Conference
The keynote information for the 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE'21) is as follows:

Dr. Gil Bohrer
The Ohio State University, USA

Dr. Bryan Karney
University of Toronto, Canada

Dr. Amin Elshorbagy
University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Dr. Jianbing Li
University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
RTESE'21 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Gil Bohrer
The Ohio State University, USA
Gil Bohrer received a PhD from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Duke University, in 2007. He was a Harvard University Center for the Environment Fellow 2007-2008. He is a professor at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering at the Ohio State University since 2008. Bohrer’s research centers on understanding the role and dynamics of the ecosystem in atmospheric exchange, at the resolution of individual plants. He developed a canopy large eddy simulation to study the role of canopy structure in transport and surface uptake of seed, pollen and atmospheric pollutants. He developed a plant hydrodynamic model to study the effects of the hydraulic traits and behavior of trees on transpiration dynamics during water stress. He is one of the national Ameriflux core site PIs, and contributes long-term observations of ecosystem carbon and methane fluxes from forest and wetland sites. His research in wetlands is combining observations and modeling to identify the role of small-scale within-wetland ecological and hydrological heterogeneity in regulating the fluxes of methane and CO2.
Topic of Keynote: Going Beyond the “Whole Wetland”: Small-Scale Within-Wetland Heterogeneity, Translates To Big Difference in Methane Flux Dynamics and Regulation

Dr. Bryan Karney
University of Toronto, Canada
Bryan Karney graduated from the University of British Columbia with a B.A.Sc. degree in 1980 and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in 2984. His first academic appointment was at the University of Calgary in 1985 but he has been at the University of Toronto since 1987. Bryan is currently a professor of Civil Engineering and has been the Associate Dean of the Cross-Disciplinary Programs office in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering since 2006. Bryan is also a principal of HydraTek with more than 30-years experience in providing comprehensive hydraulic and hydraulic transient consulting services on a wide range of fluid systems, including water, wastewater, storm, oil, gas, and jet fuel. Bryan has spoken and written widely on subjects related to water resource systems, energy issues, hydrology, climate change, optimization, engineering education, and engineering ethics. He was Associate Editor for the ASCE’s Journal of Hydraulic Engineering from 1993 to 2005 and has been an Associate Editor for IAHR’s Journal of Hydraulic Research since 2016. He has written numerous papers and has been awarded a number of teaching and research awards.
Topic of Keynote: The Profound but Often Forgotten Significance of Energy as a Measure of Change of State

Dr. Amin Elshorbagy
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Dr. Amin Elshorbagy, a professor of hydrology and water resources engineering at the University of Saskatchewan, is a licensed professional engineer with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists (APEGS) of Saskatchewan. The research and expertise of Dr. Elshorbagy are focused on, and link, the areas of hydrologic and water resources systems modeling and decision analysis through synthesizing the results of various modeling tools and techniques to support the decision making process. Dr. Elshorbagy also works extensively on integrated water resources management of trans-boundary rivers, attempting to address the challenges of sustainable utilization of water resources in light of the past hydroclimatic conditions as well as possible future changes. Water-energy-food nexus is an emerging, central theme of Elshorbagy’s current research as the second-generation approach of managing integrated resources, including water. The areas of expertise and interests of Dr. Elshorbagy include system dynamics and emulation of complex models, stochastic hydrology, data driven hydrology, watershed modeling, flood modeling in the Canadian prairies, uncertainty analysis, multicriterion decision and risk analysis, impact of climate change on water resources and urban systems, and use of proxy records (tree rings) for extending hydrological records. Amin’s expertise led him to deliver invited talks in several places in Canada, Europe, and Australia. Professor Elshorbagy is currently an Associate Editor of the Journal of Water Resources Research and served as Editor of the Journal of Hydroinformatics. He has been serving on technical and scientific committees of several international conferences in water and geosciences. Dr. Elshorbagy was invited to deliver talks at the University of New South Wales, Australia, University of Bristol, UK, University of Bologna, Turin Polytechnic, and the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, and various Chinese universities. He also delivered invited talks in International conferences, workshops, and to oil sands industry and consortia. Dr. Elshorbagy convened several sessions in international conferences in hydrology and geosciences, and served in the scientific and the steering committees of several International Conferences, including Hydroinformatics, World Water Congress, and International Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. He served as a referee for scientific grants submitted to NOAA, NSERC, MITACS, and Chile Research Fund, and for several tenure and promotion cases of professors at Canadian, American, and Middle Eastern Universities. He examined Ph.D. theses in Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America. Dr. Elshorbagy is well cited scholar and published over 150 publications in international journals and conferences and supervised over 30 Masters, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral fellows. He worked with municipal and provincial governments, and secured funding from all levels of government in Canada, including NSERC, and industry. Professionally, Dr. Elshorbagy progressed and advanced in academia by rising through the ranks and being promoted to Full Professor in 2009, only seven years after he started his faculty career as a new Assistant Professor in 2002 at the University of Saskatchewan.
To learn more about Amin Elshorbagy,
please visit his website at:
Topic of Keynote: Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Rethinking the Integrated Resources Management and Modeling

Dr. Jianbing Li
University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Jianbing Li is a professor in the environmental engineering program at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). He obtained his PhD degree in environmental systems engineering from the University of Regina in 2003. He has research interests in environmental pollution control, petroleum waste management, contaminated soil and groundwater remediation, environmental modeling and decision analysis, and environmental risk assessment. He has produced more than 230 publications in international journals and conferences, with a h-index of 39 (Google Scholar). His research has been supported by a number of federal, provincial and municipal funding organizations. He obtained the 2013 Northern BC Business and Technology Award, the 2010, 2014 and 2019 UNBC Research Excellence Award, and the 2013 UNBC Achievement Award in Professional Practice and Mentorship. He also received several best paper awards from international conferences and international journal. He has served as the co-director of the UNBC/UBC environmental engineering program for 4 years (2013-2017). He has also served as a member of NSERC’s Research Tool and Instruments Selection Committee for Civil, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and the Board of Examiners with Engineers & Geoscientists BC (EGBC). He served as a guest editor for three international journals, and acted as a committee member for many international conferences. He regularly serves as a reviewer for many international journals and conferences as well as a variety of national and international research funding organizations.
Topic of Keynote: Value added utilization of petroleum sludge waste