Proceedings of the 6th International Conference
of Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE'22)
June 05 - 07, 2022 | Niagara Falls, Canada
The keynote information for the 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE'22) is as follows:

Dr. Chunjiang An
Concordia University, Canada

Dr. Van Nguyen
McGill University, Canada

Dr. Jan Oleszkiewicz
University of Manitoba, Canada

Dr. Raul Guerrero Torres
University of Cartagena, Colombia
RTESE'22 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Chunjiang An
Concordia University, Canada
Dr. Chunjiang An is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering at Concordia University, and Concordia University Research Chair in Spill Response and Remediation. His research interests include a broad range of topics related to pollution control, risk assessment and systems analysis. Dr. An is a licensed Professional Engineer, associate editor and editorial board member of eight international journals, and the guest editor for seven special issues in some international journals. Dr. An has published over 120 peer-reviewed journal articles. Dr. An’s interdisciplinary activities have been supported by some research grants from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, etc.
Topic of Keynote: Shoreline Washing Agents for Oil Spill Response

Dr. Van Nguyen
McGill University, Canada
Dr. Nguyen is Brace Endowed Chair Professor of Civil Engineering at McGill University, Canada. He has been Chair of Civil Engineering Department, Director of Brace Centre for Water Resources Management, and Associate Director of Global Environmental and Climate Change Centre at McGill. His research contributions over 40 years have been in the areas of climate change impact and adaptation and sustainable water management. He has served in several national/international expert committees to develop some of the most influential technical guidelines in engineering practice in Canada and in the world (e.g., technical guides by the Canadian Dam Safety Association and Canadian Standards Association; and “Guide to Hydrological Practices” by the World Meteorological Organization). In addition, he has been invited to deliver prestigious lectures at numerous national and international scientific conferences around the world and has served in editorial boards of several renowned scientific international journals. He has been also Invited Professors at universities in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Topic of Keynote: Linking Climate Change to Environmental Impact and Adaptation Studies: Recent Advances and Shortcomings in Modeling of Extreme Hydrologic Processes

Dr. Jan Oleszkiewicz
University of Manitoba, Canada
Dr Jan A. Oleszkiewicz is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Environmental Engineering at the University of Manitoba and President of JAAO Environmental Engineering Ltd. His expertise is in advanced municipal wastewater treatment and biosolids processing, specializing in nutrient removal and recovery and anaerobic processes for wastewater and sludge. He has advised over forty municipalities on a variety of wastewater treatment plans with flows ranging from 2 MLD to 1,000 MLD, in Canada, USA, Australia and Europe. He has continuous hands-on experience with the conversion to nutrient removal of the three wastewater treatment plants in Winnipeg MB. He has inspected over one hundred wastewater treatment plants around the world and conducted wastewater operator training for over 600 operators. He has published over 580 journal papers and conference proceedings and has 8 patents. He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of CSCE and Fellow of Water Environment Federation. He is a Fellow of International Water Association (IWA) and member of Management Committee of IWA Specialist Groups: SG Nutrient Removal & Recovery, and SG Design, Operation & Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants. He is Vice-President of the Canadian Association on Water Quality. He is Professional Engineer (PEng), Board Certified Environmental Engineer (USA) and Chartered Engineer (UK).
Topic of Keynote: Recent Trends in Wastewater Treatment and Resulting Research Needs

Dr. Raul Guerrero Torres
University of Cartagena, Colombia
Professor Raul Guerrero Torres is a Civil Engineer from the Civil Engineering program of Universidad de Cartagena (U of C) and Specialist in Physical Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá. His professional experience can be summarized in a considerable number of important Engineering works in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, as managing engineer or contractor, research activities such as corrosion and geoelectric prospecting, with professional engineering activity. He was the head of the Physics Central Department of U of C for eight years and a Full Professor of U of C: Teaching Physics in the the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences programs and the Faculty of Engineering programs; occupying administrative academic positions as, Head of the Graduate Center and External Relationships, Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering, Academic Vice-President and finally, five times, Acting President of U of C. He has been a representative of U of C in several cooperation agreements and U of C Liaison in the Cooperation Agreement between Ryerson University and U of C. He has been a member of several professional and academic associations. He has several international publications in the Academic field and international publications in the field of Combustion Optimization by Magnetic Action. His research fields have been Corrosion of Reinforced Concrete and Electrical Prospecting as part of research groups or as independent researcher, as well as supervisor, director, adviser, or qualifier in thesis, some sponsored by the private sector, such as Ecopetrol, to solve corrosion problems. Since 2008, he has been studying in the research field of Combustion Optimization by Magnetic Action (COBMA).
Topic of Keynote: Suitable Abating of Global Air Pollution Controlling CO2 Emissions from Mobile Sources by Magnetic Action