Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
of Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE 2023)
June 04 - 06, 2023 | Carleton University, Ottawa, CAriyaada
The Plenary and keynote information for the 7th International Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE 2023) is as follows:
Plenary Speakers

Dr. Parisa A. Ariya
McGill University, Canada

Dr. Jun XIA
Wuhan University, China
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Ning Lin
Princeton University, USA

Dr. Vicente Rodríguez-González
Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Dr. Iliana Medina-Ramírez
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico
RTESE 2023 Plenary and Keynote Speakers

Dr. Parisa A. Ariya
McGill University, Canada
Professor Ariya is James McGill Chair in Chemistry, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Her physical-analytical chemistry laboratories explore particles, bridging chemical, physical and biological-health processes in air, and interfaces with water/snow, soil, and building surfaces. This lab currently designs novel analytical chemistry technologies at McGill University to track individual single and clusters of particles, including airborne virus droplets and aerosols, without needing particle trapping in milliseconds. They also develop ultra-trace chemical detection capabilities and remote-sensed (AI) recyclable nano-sensors. This lab contributes to solving the pollution enigma by developing sustainable remediation-recycling methods and technologies for pollutants (gaseous and particles, including bioaerosols such as airborne viruses, and emerging contaminants) with zero-net energy. It allows understanding of feedback mechanisms between atmospheric, biogeochemical and microphysical processes. Dr. Ariya has published >150 internationally peer-reviewed publications, four patents, a book, and > 300 proceedings. She has presented >140 invited lectures on four continents. Several of her research contributions have been distinguished internationally. She has had the privilege of mentoring over 180 bright, highly qualified personnel in her laboratories who all follow their career of choice; many have become global leaders in academia (26 faculty members), governments, industries (4 CEO), or start-ups. Dr. Ariya has served in several leadership positions, e.g., the principal investigator of major grant applications, leading or acting as a member of grant agencies in Canada, the U.S., the EU, Asia and South America, notably serving as the chairperson of the Joint European Union Panel on Arctic Climate Change. She has served as an Editor and on the Editorial Boards of several international journals, including Analytical Chemistry (ACS), Cambridge Press and the Royal Society for Chemistry- CSR (U.K.). Dr. Ariya has also served as the chairperson of McGill’s Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Professor Ariya has served as the lead author of two United Nations Environmental Protection (UN-EP) chapters on metal transformation in the environment. In addition, she has contributed to policy-related scientific reports on toxic contaminants, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, the Clean Air Regulatory Agenda, an advisor to the House of Commons (CEPA revisions), Arctic assessment reports. Her numerous interviews have been distributed through major international mainstream and web-based media, from Spiegel and Washington times, translating science to the public and stakeholders.
Topic of Plenary: On The Importance of Airborne Nano-Size Particles: Air Quality, Health, Sustainability, and Climate Change

Dr. Jun Xia
Wuhan University, China
Dr. Jun Xia is an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Chair Professor & Director, The Research Institute for Water Security (RIWS), Wuhan University. He has ample experiences on hydrology, water resources management in China and international since 1987, severed as the President of International Water Resources Association (IWRA, 2009-2012), Co-Chair, InterAcademy Council for Water Programme (2004-2010), Bureau Member of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG, 2019-2023) etc. He was awarded “International Hydrological Prize -Volker Medal”, given jointly by IAHS, UNESCO and WMO in 2014, the 2017’s State Natural Science Award in China, 2019’s IUGG Elected Fellow and 2022’s ICWRER Lifetime Achievement Award.
Topic of Plenary: Integrated Water Management & Development of Yangtze River Simulator

Dr. Ning Lin
University of MAriyaitoba, CAriyaada
Ning Lin is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University. Lin’s research areas include natural hazards and risk analysis, climate change impact and adaptation, wind engineering, and coastal engineering. Her current primary focus is hurricane risk analysis. She integrates science, engineering, and policy to study hurricane-related weather extremes, how they change with changing climate, and how their impact on society can be better mitigated. She has published in high-impact journals including Science, Nature Climate Change, and PNAS on these topics. Lin is a recipient of CAREER award from National Science Foundation (NSF), Natural Hazards Early Career Award and Global Environmental Change Early Career Award from American Geophysical Union (AGU), and and Huber Research Prize from American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Lin received her Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Princeton University in 2010. She also received a certificate in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy in 2010 from Princeton. Before rejoining Princeton as an assistant professor in 2012, she conducted research in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT as a NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow.
Topic of Keynote: Hurricane Hazards and Risk in a Changing Climate

Dr. Vicente Rodríguez-González
Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Dr. Vicente is Senior Researcher at IPICyT (Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica A.C,). He has published more than 135 papers, cited 2631 times H index 31 scopus (cited 3115 times H index 34 google scholar). Research Interests: New nanostructures for green chemistry: heterogeneous catalysis, AOPs for water treatment; renewable energy and environment; Photocatalysis; nanomaterials for inactivation of pathogens and agricultural applications. He is a member of the editorial board of the Chemical Engineering Journal and was guest editor for journals such as Catalysis Today, Topics in Catalysis, and the Journal of Hazardous Materials.
Topic of Keynote: Photocatalytic Materials Immobilized On Recycled Supports as Alternative In the Degradation of Water Contaminants

Dr. Iliana Medina-Ramírez
Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Iliana E. Medina-Ramírez got her Ph.D. in chemistry (organometallic and materials chemistry) from Tulane University in 2005. She has more than 10 years of research experience in the field of nanostructured materials (metallic, metal oxides, and metal-chalcogenides), with a particular interest in photocatalytic materials for environmental remediation and biomedical applications. She has published 56 papers in international peer-review journals, 4 book chapters, and is the co-editor of the book “Photocatalytic Semiconductors. Synthesis, characterization, and environmental applications” Springer (Ed), She has participated in more than 40 international conferences. She has supervised 100 BSc students, 10 MSc students, and 6 doctorate students. She was awarded the best junior researcher prize (2007), advanced researcher award (2nd place, 2011) and consolidated researcher award (2019) at her current academic institution. She is a member of the System of National Researchers (Mexico) and co-organizer of the Mexico-China Workshop on Renewable Energy and Environment Remediation.
Topic of Keynote: Photocatalysis A Sustainable and Versatile Technique for Indoor Air Purification