Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
on Theoretical and Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (TANN'21)

May 23 - 25, 2021 | Niagara Falls, Canada
Virtual Conference

The following papers were presented at the 5th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (TANN'21)

Mechanistic Insight into the Phosphodiester Bond Hydrolysis of Nanozymes
Authors: Adam Pecina, Paolo Scrimin, Fabrizio Mancin, Marco De Vivo

Embedment of nano-graphene in metal deposits via cold spraying
Authors: Wen Sun, Adrian Wei-Yee Tan, Kaiqiang Wu, Ayan Bhowmik, Iulian Marinescu, Erjia Liu

Machine Learning Approach for TiO2 Electrode in Supercapacitor Fabrication
Authors: Amirhossein Gholami, Amirkianoosh Kiani

New Generation of Tio2 Electrode in Supercapacitor
Authors: Amirhossein Gholami, Amirkianoosh Kiani

Applied Nanopore Fabrication Techniques for DNA and Protein Sensing
Authors: Cuifeng Ying

Two-Dimensional Supersymmetric Microring Laser Arrays
Authors: Xingdu Qiao, Bikashkali Midya, Zihe Gao, Zhifeng Zhang, Haoqi Zhao, Tianwei Wu, Jieun Yim, Ritesh Agarwal, Natalia M. Litchinitser, Liang Feng

Increased Adhesion Force Due to Increased Conductivity in PEDOT:PSS/PEO Spun-coated Nanofilm
Authors: Raymond Christopher Setiawan, D.Y. Li

Ternary QD–Organic Dye FRET Pairs for Cytometry-Compatible Sensing Platform
Authors: Maksim Miropoltsev, Vera Kuznetsova, Viktoria Osipova , Anton Tkach, Alexander Baranov

Deposition of Silver Nanoparticles on Silicone hydrogels by Using LaserAssisted Process
Authors: Vishnuvardhana Wuppaladhodi, Jin Zhang