Poupak Kermani
Abstract: This paper presents a mathematical model that explains the mechanism behind the drainage of urine from a healthy human kidney through the ureter. Computer simulation is used to study the conduction velocity and output flow rate of a urine bolus through the Ureter lumen. The conduction velocity calculated by the simulation model is 4.8 cm/sec which is in within the range of experimental values of 2 to 6 cm/sec. The urine output flow rate is calculated to be 0.053 ml/sec, which results in a total of 1.8 liter of urine disposition from two kidneys every 24 hours. The simulation result yields toward the nominal quantity of 1.5 liter of urine disposed by a healthy adult with normal kidney function.
Keywords: Peristalsis, Conduction velocity, Urine output rate.
Date Published: June 19, 2023 DOI: 10.11159/jbeb.2023.001
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