Syed R. Zaidi, Aparicio Carranza
Abstract: The multifaceted technological boom as driven by mobile and IoT devices requires more bandwidth by the day. Some applications such as gaming and real-time streaming services in ultra-high definition have higher bandwidth as well low latency requirement. The only viable solution for these data hungry applications is fiber-wireless (FiWi) network architecture. Though numerous hybrid Fiber-Wireless network architectures have been expected to utilize the fiber-based Passive Optical Network (PON) access infrastructure to backhaul mobile traffic, most of these architectures, however, have utilized the typically centralized tree-based PON topology, which can only support a centralized Radio Access Network (RAN) architecture. A converged PON-5G access infrastructure must be capable of supporting a distributed architecture as well as distributed Network Control and Management (NCM) operations. The major weakness is that mainstream PONs are typically deployed as tree topologies and the tree-based topology can neither support the distributed access architecture nor intercommunication among the access nodes (ONUs) attached to the PON. In this study we devise a fully distributed Ring-Based EPON architecture that enables the support of a converged PON-5G LTE access networking transport infrastructure utilizing distributed network control management to seamlessly backhaul both mobile and wireline multimedia traffic and services. An experimental set-up is also employed to measure BER and eye diagram of the proposed architecture.
Keywords: PON, FiWi, 5G, RAN, EPON.
Date Published: August 4, 2021 DOI: TBA
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