Zaher Alkurdi
Abstract: Numerical modeling is being implemented because
experiments are challenging, unwelcome, costly, or timeconsuming. The main goal of this research is to study the
influence of the maximum aggregate size on the ultimate load of
the pre-tensioned prestressed concrete beam with multiple
layers of strand and shear reinforcements under flexural loading
numerically. This was done by validating one finite element
model based on experimental results of a standardized fourpoint static bending test previously reported. Subsequently, four
beams with different maximum aggregate sizes were simulated
using ATENA 3D software. The finite element analysis could
simulate the experimental tests and provide meaningful results.
Moreover, a slight increase in the ultimate load of the member
was observed with a larger maximum aggregate.
Keywords: Aggregate size, Prestressed concrete, Fourpoint bending test, Numerical analysis
Date Published: July 5, 2022 DOI: 10.11159/ijci.2022.010
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