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The keynote information for the World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE'16) is as follows:
ICGRE'16 Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Hany El Naggar

Dr. Hany El Naggar, Ph.D., P.Eng., is an Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at Dalhousie University with more than 20 years of experience in civil construction, geotechnical and structural engineering and research in Canada and overseas. He has participated in several structural and geotechnical investigations, and is experienced in analysis and design of foundations and soil-structure interaction of buried infrastructure. Dr. El Naggar and his research team has investigated the soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects around buried infrastructure; explored innovative use of tire derived aggregate (TDA) as a buffer zone to create stress arching and reduce demand on rigid culverts, proposed an earth pressure reduction system using geogrid reinforced platform bridging system to reduce stresses on buried utilities, and developed innovative “cellular” precast concrete pipe system. Also, He has developed a simplified technique to account for the group Effect in pile dynamics; and closed form solutions for the moments and thrusts in jointed and un-jointed composite lining systems, designed several foundation systems ranging from machine foundations subjected to dynamic loads to raft foundations for underground structure, as well as several tunnels and underground structures in the United States and Canada. The findings from Dr. El Naggar’s research have been reported in more than 60 technical publications covering both experimental and numerical work in the fields of soil-structure interaction, buried infrastructure and concrete pipes. He is the recipient of the 2005-2006 Outstanding Teaching Award from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Western. Prof. El Naggar won the 2006 L. G. Soderman Award, the 2005 R.M. Quigley Award, and the 2004 Milos Novak Memorial Award. Dr. El Naggar is the current chair of the Buried Structures Committee, CSCE.
Topic of Keynote: Soil-Structure Interaction of Steel Pipe Culverts

Dr. Mohamed Shahin

Dr Mohamed Shahin holds BSc in Civil Engineering and MSc in Geotechnical Engineering, both from Cairo University, Egypt, and PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from University of Adelaide, Australia. He has over 25 years of academic and industrial experience and is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Curtin University, Australia. He published two books, two book chapters and over 100 peer-reviewed research papers. His present academic roles include: Associate Editor of the Australian Journal of Civil Engineering; Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering; Board Member of the Australian Geomechanics Society; Fellow Member of Engineers Australia, Member of the TC103 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics & TC202 Transportation Geotechnics (International Society for Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering); Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers; Member of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education; and reviewer for more than 18 international journals. Dr Shahin received several awards from Curtin University including the 2010 Pro Vice-Chancellor Award for Teaching Excellence; the 2011 Vice-Chancellor Award for Excellence in Teaching & Innovation; and the 2014 Professional Development Award. He is also the recipient of the 2014 Prix R.M. Quigley Award (honourable mention) given by the Canadian Geotechnical Society for the best paper published by the Canadian Geotechnical Journal in 2013.
Topic of Keynote: Some Innovative Solutions for Dealing with Problematic Soils in Infrastructure Developments

ICSENM'16 Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Roberto Crocetti

Professor Roberto Crocetti has 15 years’ experience in structural design and 20 years’ experience in teaching structural engineering to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to practising engineers. He is presently working part-time at an engineering consulting firm specialized in large timber structures and part-time as a professor at the division of Structural Engineering, Lund University, Sweden.
His present research interests are in the field of timber engineering and steel structures, especially: innovative timber connections, large-span structures, composite structures, stability and bracing of slender structures. You can also view his CV.
Topic of Keynote: Timber Structures for Large-Span Structures

ICESDP'16 Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Bernard H. Kueper

Dr. Kueper is a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. His research focuses on the subsurface behaviour and remediation of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) such as chlorinated solvents, coal tar, creosote, PCB oils and fuels in both unconsolidated deposits such as sands and gravels, as well as fractured clay and rock. These compounds currently represent the most frequently detected groundwater contaminants throughout industrialized areas of the world. Current research is aimed at the development and evaluation of in-situ remediation technologies such as hydraulic displacement (HD), electrical resistance heating (ERH), thermal conductive heating (TCH), enhanced in-situ bioremediation (EISB), and in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO). Professor Kueper and his graduate students make use of high resolution numerical simulation using multiphase flow/reactive transport models, laboratory experimentation, and field experimentation in carrying out their research. Professor Kueper is the lead editor of the book Chlorinated Solvent Source Zone Remediation published in 2014 by Springer Science + Business Media, LLC
Topic of Keynote: Remediation of Soil and Groundwater Impacted by Chlorinated Solvents – State of the Practice

AWSPT'16 Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Thomas Letzel

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Thomas Letzel is an analytical chemist with almost 20 years of professional experience in the field of analytical screening techniques using liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. Prof. Letzel is head of the Analytical Research Group at the Chair of Urban Water Systems Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Currently, the key aspects in research cover technological, analytical-methological and analytical-chemical properties and can be applied in water and wastewater analysis as well as in other relevant environmental matrices, food analysis, beverage and plant extract analysis and others. New separation techniques like RPLC-HILIC-MS and SFC-MS allow the polarity extended separation and identification of organic molecules. A special focus is on the chemical analysis with simultaneous functionality analysis using mass spectrometric detection. He is author and co-author of more than 100 publications and two books. He has experience with many national and international research projects and he actively participates in international environmental initiatives like NORMAN Association and ESSEM COST Action ES1307.
Topic of Keynote: Unknown Molecules in Air, Water and Soil: Screening Strategies with LC-MS