Proceedings of the 9th International Conference
on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT'22)
June 08 - 10, 2022 | Niagara Falls, Canada
The keynote information for the 9th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT'22) is as follows:
FFHMT'22 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Nedjib Djilali
University of Victoria, Canada
FFHMT'22 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Majid Bahrami
Simon Fraser University, Canada

Dr. Yogesh Jaluria
Rutgers University, USA

Dr. Nedjib Djilali
University of Victoria, Canada
Ned Djilali is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at the University of Victoria. His research focuses on transport phenomena and energy systems analysis. The applications of this research have ranged from aerodynamics and zero-emission vehicles to electrochemical energy conversion and the water-energy nexus. Prior to joining UVic, he was staff specialist with the Advanced Aerodynamics Department at Bombardier Inc., where he worked on the design of the Regional Jet. At UVic he has established an internationally recognized research laboratory in the areas of thermofluid science, energy systems and fuel cell science and technology, and trained many graduates who have become leaders in academia and industry.
Dr. Djilali has advised and collaborated with numerous industry partners, organizations and government agencies working on the development and adoption of zero emission energy technologies, including Toyota, Mercedes-Benz, Ballard, the BC Climate Action Secretariat, and the Wind Energy Strategic Network. He holds 14 patents and has published over 200 journal papers with a h-index of 67 (Google Scholar). Ned Djilali is a Thomson-Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, and a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Canada (Academy of Science) and the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
Topic of Plenary:
Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Systems

Dr. Majid Bahrami
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dr. Bahrami, P.Eng. is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, the Program Director of NSERC CREATE Hybrid Thermal Electric Microgrids (HyTEM), and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Alternative Energy Conversion Systems at SFU. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers (FCAE) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (FASME). Bahrami championed interdisciplinary, collaborative research in multitudes of sustainable clean energy systems, including: harvesting and transforming low-grade heat for sustainable air conditioning, thermal energy storage, atmospheric water harvesting, heat pump systems and dehumidification for applications in automotive, agri-food, sustainable city, and thermal hybrid microgrids. He has a strong track record in successful collaboration with national and international research institutes and industry. He formed 2 start-ups; won national and international research and innovation awards; published 8 patents and 300+ publications; and supervised 160+ highly qualified personnel, including 7 professors.
Topic of Keynote:
Decarbonizing the Heat: Challenges and Opportunities

Dr. Yogesh Jaluria
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Yogesh Jaluria is Board of Governors Professor and Distinguished Professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. His research work is in the field of thermal science and engineering, covering areas like convection, fires, materials processing, thermal management of electronics, energy, and environment. He is the author/co-author of 10 books and editor/coeditor of 15 conference proceedings, 13 books, and 13 special issues of archival journals. He has contributed over 500 technical articles, including over 225 in archival journals and 22 book chapters. He has received several awards and honors for his work, such as the prestigious 2020 Holley Medal from ASME for his work on optical fiber drawing, the 2007 Kern Award from AIChE, the 2003 Robert Henry Thurston Lecture Award from ASME, and the 2002 Max Jakob Memorial Award, the highest international recognition in heat transfer, from ASME and the AIChE. He has served as Department Chairman and as Dean of Engineering. He was the Editor of the Journal of Heat Transfer and Computational Mechanics. He is an Honorary Member of ASME, a Fellow of AAAS, ASTFE and APS, and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He served as the founding President of the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) from 2014 to 2019.
Topic of Keynote:
Transport Phenomena in Advanced Materials Processing