Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Applications (ICESA'20)
SEPTEMBER 7 - 8, 2020 | Virtual Conference
The keynote information for the International Conference on Environmental Science and Applications (ICESA'20) is as follows:
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Fabiana Corami

Dr. Charles Lee
The University of Newcastle, Singapore

Dr. Kavitha Palaniappan
University of Newcastle, Australia

Dr. Noelle Samia
Northwestern University, USA
ICESA'20 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Fabiana Corami
Dr. Fabiana Corami, PhD, MSc Researcher at the Institute of Polar Sciences, National Research Council CNR-ISP, Venice – Italy Master Degree in Biology and PhD in Environmental Sciences, her current research field is on microplastics in the environment and in biota. She is working on developing preanalytical and analytical methods for quantification and simultaneous identification of microplastics via Micro-FTIR.
Science communicator, co-author of contributions in monographs, author of several papers on peer reviews journals, she has attended to national and international conferences, also as invited keynote speaker.
She is a member of the Board Committee of the Venetian District for Research and Innovation, DVRI, and is a member of the Leonardo Group of Science Gallery Venice.
Topic of Keynote:
Sources and pathways of small microplastics (<100 µm) in terrestrial ecosystems

Dr. Charles Lee
The University of Newcastle, Singapore
Dr Charles Lee is a Program Convenor and Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastle (Australia) Singapore. He has more than 25 years’ experience in environmental research, education and consulting in North America, and Asia-Pacific countries. His experience encompasses consulting at one of the top environmental consulting firms in the San Francisco Bay Area (California) USA, R&D at the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*Star, Singapore), and academic teaching and research at the University of Newcastle (Australia). Previously at A*STAR (Singapore) he has a patent on photocatalytic degradation of halogenated compounds. His research areas include remediation of contaminated sites, ecological rehabilitation of degraded land, and environmental sustainability of industries to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recently, he is actively collaborating on: the use of a hyperaccumulator plant (Sedum alfredii) to remove heavy metals in contaminated agricultural sites in Southern China; restoration of damaged peatlands in Sumatra, Indonesia; and benchmarking sustainable development of key global industries.
Topic of Keynote:
Development of An Environmental Sustainability Ranking Tool (ESRT) for Industries

Dr. Kavitha Palaniappan
University of Newcastle, Australia
Dr. Kavitha Palaniappan is the Academic Director at UON Singapore, a wholly-owned entity of The University of Newcastle, Australia. In her capacity as Academic Director, she oversees the Business, Communication, Information Technology and Engineering degree programs that are offered in Singapore. She also teaches into the program of Bachelor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (BEnvOHS). Apart from teaching into the program, she is also actively involved in multi-disciplinary research, that include prevalence of psychosocial illnesses and their impacts on the society, economy and country, alternative therapies to enhance sleep, yoga and its health benefits, toxicity of nanomaterials, exposure measurements and hygiene requirements for nano titanium dioxide, exposure to nano silver in mattresses and beddings and their health effects, associations between seasonal patterns, climate variables and dengue risks in Singapore. She is also a graduate member of IOSH and a member of the Singapore NanOsing consortium.
Topic of Keynote:
Release of nanomaterials during construction activities that could potentially pollute the surrounding air

Dr. Noelle Samia
Northwestern University, USA
Noelle I. Samia. B.S. (Valedictorian) in Mathematics, Notre Dame University, Lebanon; M.S. in Actuarial Science, University of Iowa, USA; Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Iowa, USA. Dr. Noelle I. Samia is an associate professor in the Department of Statistics at Northwestern University, USA. Her research work focuses on introducing and developing new statistical linear and nonlinear (threshold) models for count time-series and spatial data. Her work is both, theoretical and applied in nature. Through crossdisciplinary collaborations, these advanced and often new statistical methodologies are tailored to each specific application with the aim of explaining the dynamics of complex biological systems, particularly in the areas of infectious diseases and epidemiology, statistical ecology, and biomedical research. Her fields of research include nonlinear (e.g., threshold) spatio-temporal modeling, count time-series data, statistical inference for infectious diseases, statistical ecology, and statistical applications to biomedical research.
Topic of Keynote:
Effects of the Environment on Infectious Diseases