Proceedings of the 8th World Congress
on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'22)
July 31 - August 02, 2022 | Prague, Czech Republic
The Plenary/keynote information for the 8th World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM'22) is as follows:
Plenary Speaker

Dr. Zhongyun Fan
Imperial College, UK
MMME'22 Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Xinwei Wang
Iowa State State University, USA
HTFF'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Sylvie Lorente
Villanova University, USA
HTFF'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Dan Zhang
York University, Canada
ICMIE'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Zhongyun Fan
Brunel University London, UK
MMME'22 Plenary Speaker
Fan is a professor of metallurgy, the founder and current Director of BCAST at Brunel University London. He is the principal investigator/director of the EPSRC funded LiME Research Hub, a national centre of excellence in liquid metal engineering. He is also the principal investigator for the UKRI Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Centre for Circular Metals. He has published over 400 scientific papers with an H-Index of 57 and a total citation of 12554 (Google Scholar). He has led a wide range of research projects as principal investigator with grants totalling over £70M. He has been chairman of 4 major international conferences and members international scientific committee of 6 international conferences. He was the co-chairmen of the Casting and Solidification Society (IOM3, 2012-2018), is a Board Member of the Light Metals Division (IOM3), a Fellow of the Institute of IOM3 and the Institute of Cast Metal Engineers (ICME). He was the recipient of the Elegant Work Prize (1995), the Cook/Ablett Award (2003) and Dowding Medal and Prize (2012) of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3). Fan’s research has been focused on (1) understanding of early stages of solidification covering prenucleation, heterogeneous nucleation, Grain initiation and Grain refinement; (2) developing metallic materials for closed-loop recycling; and (3) developing innovative techniques for processing light metals.
Topic of Keynote:
The Critical Role of Metallurgy in the Transition from Linear To Circular Economy

Dr. Xinwei Wang
Iowa State State University, USA
HTFF'22 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Xinwei Wang is a full professor at Iowa State University ( He obtained his Ph.D. from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University in 2001, M.S. (1996) and B.S. (1994) from the University of Science and Technology of China. Over the past 20 years, he has led his laboratory to develop new techniques for characterizing thermal transport at the micro/nanoscale, including the TET, ET-Raman, TD-Raman, and FR-Raman techniques. His lab reported the first work on distinguishing the optical and acoustic phonon temperatures under intense photon excitation, and determining their energy coupling factor. His work on conjugated phonon and hot carrier transport represents the first accomplishment in distinguishing these two physical processes and quantifying their transport diffusivities. The thermal reffusivity theory developed in his lab provides a novel way to characterizing material’s structure domain size, similar to that measured by x-ray diffraction, but has unique applications for nanomaterials. He received the inaugural Viskanta Fellow Award of Purdue University in recognition of his pioneering and independent work in thermal sciences. He is the recipient of the 2014 Mid-career Award for Research of Iowa State University (ISU) and 2018 ISU Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research. He is the Fellow of ASME and Associate Fellow of AIAA. He serves as the Senior Editor of International Journal of Thermophysics and Journal of Laser Applications, and associate editor of Heat Transfer Research.
Topic of Keynote:
Conjugated Phonon and Hot Carrier Transport in 2D Materials

Dr. Sylvie Lorente
University of Wales, UK
HTFF'22 Keynote Speaker
Sylvie Lorente is the Associate Dean for Research & Innovation in the College of Engineering at Villanova University, PA, USA. She is the College of Engineering Chair Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Villanova, and Professor (Exceptional Class) at the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), University of Toulouse, France.
She is also Hung Hing-Ying Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Science and Technology at Hong Kong University (Hong Kong), Extraordinary Professor at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), and Adjunct Professor at Duke University (USA). She is a member of the Academy of Europe.
Topic of Keynote:
Efficient Energy Architectures

Dr. Dan Zhang
York University, Canada
ICMIE'22 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Dan Zhang is a Kaneff Professor and Tier 1 York Research Chair in Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at York University. Dr. Zhang was a Canada Research Chair in Advanced Robotics and Automation, was a founding Chair of the Department of Automotive, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Engineering with the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science at Ontario Tech University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Laval University, Canada, in June 2000.
Dr. Zhang’s research interests include synthesis and optimization of parallel and hybrid mechanisms; generalized parallel mechanisms research; reconfigurable robots; innovation design of parallel robots: parallelization of serial robots; micro/nano manipulation and mems devices (e.g., sensors); rescue robots; smart biomedical instruments (e.g., exoskeleton robots and rehabilitation robotics); AI/robotics/autonomous systems; Aerial and Underwater Robotics; Artificial Intelligence for Robotics; intelligent reconfigurable adaptive landing gear and manipulator (manipulander).
Topic of Keynote:
Innovation Design and Applications of Robotic Manipulators in Intelligent Manufacturing System