Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress
on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'18)
The keynote information for the 3rd World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (MHMT'18) is as follows:

Dr. BoFeng Bai
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
ENFHT'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Sanjeev Chandra
University of Toronto, Canada
ICHTD'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Lixin Cheng
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
ICMFHT'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Khoo Boo Cheong
National University of Singapore, Singapore
ENFHT'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Afshin J. Ghajar
Oklahoma State University, USA
ICMFHT'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Vahid Motevalli
Tennessee Tech University, USA
CSP'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Guodong Xia
Beijing University of Technology Beijing, China
ICMFHT'18 Keynote Speaker
ICMFHT'18 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Afshin J. Ghajar
Oklahoma State University, USA
ICMFHT Keynote
Dr. Afshin J. Ghajar is Regents and John Brammer Endowed Professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA and a Honorary Professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China. He received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. all in Mechanical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. His expertise is in experimental heat transfer/fluid mechanics and development of practical engineering correlations. Dr. Ghajar has made significant contributions to the field of thermal sciences through his experimental, empirical, and numerical works in heat transfer and stratification in sensible heat storage systems, heat transfer to non-Newtonian fluids, heat transfer in the transition region, and non-boiling heat transfer in two-phase flow. His current research is in two-phase flow heat transfer/ pressure drop studies in pipes with different orientations, heat transfer/pressure drop in mini/micro tubes, and mixed convective heat transfer/pressure drop in the transition region (plain and enhanced tubes). Dr. Ghajar has been a Summer Research Fellow at Wright Patterson AFB (Dayton, Ohio) and Dow Chemical Company (Freeport, Texas). He and his co-workers have published over 200 reviewed research papers and 10 book/handbook chapters. He has delivered numerous keynote and invited lectures at major technical conferences and institutions. He has received several outstanding teaching, research, advising, and service awards from College of Engineering at Oklahoma State University. His latest significant awards are the 75th Anniversary Medal of the ASME Heat Transfer Division "in recognition of his service to the heat transfer community and contributions to the field", awarded in 2013, the ASME ICNMM 2016 Outstanding Leadership Award, this award recognizes a person whose service within the ICNMM (International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels) is exemplary; the recipient of the award contributed significantly to the lasting success of the conference, and the 2017 Donald Q. Kern Award “in recognition of his outstanding leadership in the field of heat exchangers and two-phase flow, book and archival publications, and service to the academic and industrial professionals”. Dr. Ghajar is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Heat Transfer Series Editor for CRC Press/Taylor & Francis (he has edited nine books to date), and Editor-in-Chief of Heat Transfer Engineering, an international journal published twenty times per year by Taylor and Francis. Heat Transfer Engineering is aimed at practicing engineers and specialists in heat transfer. Dr. Ghajar is also the co-author of the 5th Edition of Cengel and Ghajar, Heat and Mass Transfer – Fundamentals and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 2015. The 6th edition is under preparation and will be available in 2020.
Topic of Keynote:
Flow Patterns, Void Fraction, Pressure Drop, and Convective Heat Transfer in Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow in Various Pipe Inclinations

Dr. Guodong Xia
Dr. Guodong Xia Beijing University of Technology Beijing, China
ICMFHT Keynote Speaker
Professor Guodong Xia is a leading professor in Thermal Energy Engineering at Beijing University of Technology, China. He received his Ph.D. in Thermal Energy Engineering at the State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 1996. He was a visiting professor in the Institute of Process Engineering of the University of Hanover, Germany in 2000 -2001. His research interests include fundamentals and applications of microscale heat transfer, multuphase flow and heat transfer, waste energy recovery, thermal energy system, heat exchanger design and enhanced heat transfer. His research has been supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Beijing Natural Science Foundation and industry. He is a member of the multiphase flow committee of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics and a member of the multiphase flow committee of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He has published more than 100 papers in journals and conferences. Especially, he has published more than 50 papers in the leading international journals such as International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Applied Thermal Engineering and International Journal of Thermal Sciences etc. since 2011.
Topic of Keynote:
Two Phase Flow and Thermal Physics of Nanofluids: Understanding the Fundamentals, Mechanisms and Challenges

Dr. Lixin Cheng
Sheffield Hallam University, UK
ICMFHT Keynote Speaker
Dr. Lixin Cheng is Principal Lecturer and Programme Leader in Chemical Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. He obtained his Ph.D. in Thermal Energy Engineering at the State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 1998. Dr. Cheng has extensive international working and collaboration experience. He held an associate professor in Chemical Engineering at Aarhus University, Denmark in 2013-2015. He was a senior lecturer and course leader in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Portsmouth, UK in 2011-2013, and a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Aberdeen, UK in 2009-2011. He worked as a scientific collaborator in the Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer (LTCM) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland in 2006-2009. He was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship and worked at the Institute of Process Engineering at the Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany in 2004-2006. He was a senior research fellow at London South Bank University in 2001-2003, and a post-doctoral research fellow at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands in 2000-2001. His research interests include multiphase flow and heat transfer, enhanced heat transfer, micro-scale two-phase flow and heat transfer, nanofluid two-phase flow and heat transfer, compact and micro-heat exchangers, chemical processes and thermal energy system etc. In recent years, he is active in developing cutting-edge interdisciplinary research such as bioenergy, waste utilization and energy efficiency. He has published more than 100 papers in journals and conferences, 10 book chapters and edited 10 books. He is associate editor of Heat Transfer Engineering since 2016. He was the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid Transport Phenomena (IJMNTFTP) (2010-2014). He is the Editor-in-Chief of e-book series Advances in Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer, and editor of SpringerBriefs on “Multiphase Flow” and Book series “Frontiers and Progress in Multiphase Flow” by Springer Verlag in Germany.
Topic of Keynote:
Two Phase Flow and Thermal Physics of Nanofluids: Understanding the Fundamentals, Mechanisms and Challenges
ICHTD'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Sanjeev Chandra
University of Toronto, Canada
ICHTD Keynote
Sanjeev Chandra is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, which he joined after receiving his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1990. Prof. Chandra is known internationally for his research on the dynamics of droplets and sprays and is one of the founders of the Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies at the University of Toronto. His research spans the areas of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and materials science and has also been applied in spray coating, spray cooling, spray painting, ink-jet printing, electronic cooling and waste heat recovery. Prof. Chandra has published over 200 papers in referred journals and international conference proceedings. He has written an undergraduate textbook on thermodynamics and several chapters for books on the subjects of thermal spray coating, heat transfer and sprays. In 2010 he was awarded the The Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research, awarded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to recognize outstanding collaborative research. In 2015 he was awarded the Jules Stachiewicz Medal by the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering for outstanding contributions to heat transfer. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Topic of Keynote:
Thermal Spray Forming of Heat Transfer Devices
ENFHT'18 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Khoo Boo Cheong
National University of Singapore, Singapore
ENFHT Keynote
BC Khoo graduated from the University of Cambridge with a BA (Honours, 1st Class with Distinction). In 1984, he obtained his MEng from the NUS and followed by PhD from MIT in 1989. He joined NUS in 1989.
From 1998 to 1999, he was seconded to the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC, Singapore) and served as the deputy Director and Director of Research.
In 1999, BC returned to NUS and spent time at the SMA-I (Singapore MIT Alliance I) as the co-Chair of High Performance Computation for Engineered Systems Program till 2004. In the period 2005-2013, under the SMA-II, he was appointed as the co-Chair of Computational Engineering Program.
In 2011-2012, BC was appointed the Director of Research, Temasek Laboratories, NUS. Since 2012, he has been the Director, Temasek Laboratories.
BC Khoo serves on numerous organizing and advisory committees for International Conferences/Symposiums held in USA, China, India, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia and others. He is a member of the Steering Committee, HPC (High Performance Computing) Asia. He has received a Defence Technology Team Prize (1998, Singapore) and the prestigious Royal Aeronautical Prize (1980, UK). Among other numerous and academic and professional duties, he is the Associate Editor of Communications in Computational Physics (CiCP) and Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (AAMM), and is on the Editorial Board of American Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Ocean Systems Engineering (IJOSE), International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems (IJIUS), The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal (OME) and The Open Ocean Engineering Journal.
In research, BC ‘s interest are in:
- (i) Fluid-structure interaction
- (ii) Underwater shock and bubble dynamics
- (iii) Compressible/Incompressible multi-medium flow0
He is the PI of numerous externally funded projects including those from the Defense agencies like ONR/ONR Global and MINDEF (Singapore) to simulate/study the dynamics of underwater explosion bubble(s), flow supercavitation and detonation physics. His work on water circulation and transport across the turbulent air-sea interface has received funding from the then BP International for predicting the effects of accidental chemical spills. Qatar NRF has funded study on internal sloshing coupled to external wave hydrodynamics of (large) LNG carrier.
BC has published over 350 international journal papers, and over 360 papers at international conferences/symposiums. He has presented at over 100 plenary/keynote/invited talks at international conferences/symposiums/meetings.
Topic of Keynote:
Flow and Heat Transfer in Turbulent Channel Flow over Asymmetric Dimples

Dr. BoFeng Bai
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
ENFHT Keynote
Dr. BoFeng Bai is a Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research interests are mainly engaged in fundamental studies of multiphase flow and heat transfer and applications in thermal power engineering and petroleum engineering. He received the Distinguished Young Scientists award from National Science Foundation China. He was also honored Youth Science and Technology Innovation Leader award from Ministry of Science and Technology, China. He published more than 90 peer-reviewed papers in international journals including J Fluid Mech, Phys Fluids, Chem Eng Sci, etc.
Topic of Keynote:
Gas-Liquid Churn Flow: Interfacial Wave and Drop Entrainment
CSP'18 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Vahid Motevalli
Tennessee Tech University, USA
CSP Keynote
Dr. Motevalli is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Associate Dean of Engineering for Research and Innovation at Tennessee Tech (TN Tech) since August of 2013. He also serves as the Interim Director of the Center of Excellence for Manufacturing Research since August 2014. He is responsible for the growth of externally funded research, oversight of College of Engineering (CoE) research centers, oversight of the college graduate program, director of the PhD program, faculty recruitment and development, innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives, undergraduate research, and international engagement. He devotes substantial time and effort on external relations for the college. These interactions include government agencies such as the Office of Science and Technology, NSF, DARPA, DoE, FAA and others as needed. Dr. Motevalli has been conducting interdisciplinary research and education throughout his career.
Dr. Motevalli came to TN Tech from Purdue University, where he served as the Founding Director of Center for Technology Development (CTD), project director and faculty advisor for the Purdue EcoCar2, and prior to that the Head of Mechanical Engineering Technology Department. Dr. Motevalli has more than 30 years of teaching, research and administrative experience in academia, government and industry with diverse research expertise in combustion, fire safety, hybrid-electric vehicles, aviation safety and security and transportation safety. These diverse research activities, thus far, have been supported by more than $15 million in external funding. He has over 100 technical publications in addition to reports, presentations and invited talks and has directed over 35 graduate students. His professional experience outside academia includes working at national and government laboratories (NIST, NRL), government (US Congress as ASME Congressional Fellow) and consulting.
Before moving to Purdue, he was at the George Washington University (GW) in a variety of positions including Director of the Aviation Institute from 2004-2008, co-Director of the Institute (2002-04), Director of the Aviation Safety and Security Certificate Program (1998-2008), and Associate Professor of Engineering from 2004-2009. He was also selected as a Senior Homeland Security Fellow of the GW Homeland Security Policy Institute for the 2009 calendar year. While at GW, he directed the International Aviation Safety and Security Summit program (2001-2005). This was a leadership program for ministers and Directors General of civil aviation of more than 100 countries throughout the world. This program was accomplished with a $9 million funding from the FAA, and was supported by the DOT Secretary’s office. Dr. Motevalli also worked closely with the Gore Commission staff (President’s Commission on Aviation Safety and Security in 21st Century) in 1996-97.
Topic of Keynote:
The Outlook for Combustion Engines in the Future Transportation System