Proceedings of the 10th World Congress
on New Technologies (NewTech 2024)
August 25 - 27, 2024| Barcelona, Spain
The Plenary/keynote information for the 10th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech 2024) is as follows:
Plenary Speakers

Dr. Marte Gutierrez
Colorado School of Mines, USA
ICCEIA 2024 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Leon Shaw
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
ICERT 2024 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Sharath Sriram
RMIT University, Australia
ICERT 2024 Plenary Speaker
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Valérie Cappuyns
KU Leuven University, Belgium
ICEPR 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Yunhong Jiang
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
ICBB 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Konstantinos Lagoudakis
University of Strathclyde, UK
ICNFA 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Marte Gutierrez
Colorado School of Mines, USA
ICCEIA 2024 Plenary Speaker
Dr. Marte Gutierrez is the James R. Paden Distinguished Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Director of the Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure (CUT-I) of Colorado School of Mines (CSM). Previously, he worked for 11 years at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and six years as an Associate Professor/Professor at Virginia Tech. He has published over 370 papers in book chapters, journals, and conference proceedings, given keynote and invited lectures at several conferences. He has been responsible for more than US$ 25 million in research funding. Dr. Gutierrez is an Associate Editor of three international journals and a member of the Editorial Board of four other international journals. He is the recipient of the 2011 Geotechnical Research Medal from the UK’s Institute of Civil Engineers, the 2017 Applied Rock Mechanics Research Award and the 2020 Rock Mechanics Research Award both from the American Rock Mechanics Association, the 2016 Peter A. Cundall Honorable Mention Award, the Kwanghua Visiting Professorship from Tongji University, five Best Paper Awards and five Outstanding Reviewer and Editorial Board Member Awards. Dr. Gutierrez’s main research interests are in Geomechanics for Energy, Environmental, and Transportation Sustainability.
Topic of Plenary:
Application of Machine Learning in Underground Construction and Tunneling

Dr. Leon Shaw
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
ICERT 2024 Plenary Speaker
Dr. Leon L. Shaw is Rowe Family Endowed Chair Professor in Sustainable Energy and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, United States. He is the founding director of NSF Center of All-Solid-State Batteries. Dr. Shaw has extensive experience in nanomaterials synthesis and processing for applications in hydrogen storage, Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, solid-state batteries, and structural materials. He has authored and co-authored more than 300 archival refereed publications in these areas. Among these 300+ publications 234 are journal articles and invited chapters for books and encyclopedias. His publications have been cited more than 14,200 times with h-index of 62 and i10-index of 204 (according to Google Scholar). His publications are ranked top 1.4% citations for career-long impact among all scientific fields and top 0.2% citations for career-long impact in the subfield of “materials” (based on the composite score c compiled by Elsevier). His accomplishments are recognized worldwide with many honors and awards, including “Energy Award” in 2018 and “Scientist Medal” in 2024 presented by International Association of Advanced Materials. Dr. Shaw is a Member of EU Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials, a Fellow of ASM International, a Fellow of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, and a Member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Topic of Keynote:
Recent Advancements in Solid Electrolytes for Rechargeable Solid-State Batteries

Dr. Sharath Sriram
RMIT University, Australia
ICNFA 2024 Keynote Speaker
Professor Sharath Sriram jointly leads the Functional Materials and Microsystems Research Group at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. His research transforms discoveries in materials science and electronics into devices and products for high-speed electronics, sensors, and medical devices. He is Director of the Discovery to Devices Facility for scale-up manufacture of medical devices, and was Founding Deputy Director of the $60 million Micro Nano Research Facility. He has published close to 250 peer-reviewed articles. He is active in research policy and advocacy, and is current President of Science & Technology Australia.
Topic of Plenary:
Creating Products and Impact through Nanoscale Materials and Technologies

Dr. Valérie Cappuyns
KU Leuven University, Belgium
ICEPR 2024 Keynote Speaker
Valérie Cappuyns obtained a Master degree in Bio-science Engineering in 2000, and a PhD degree in Geology in 2004 at KU Leuven (Belgium). After her PhD she was a researcher at the Scientific Institute for Public Health. In 2007, she returned to KU Leuven, where she is currently a professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business. She teaches courses in the field of environmental sciences. Research interests include the sustainable management of contaminated sites (soils, sediments, and waste materials), environmental geochemistry and valorisation of secondary resources. She is (co)author of more than 90 publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
Topic of Keynote:
Sustainable Remediation: Challenges for an Interdisciplinary Approach to Contaminated Site Management

Dr. Yunhong Jiang
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
ICBB 2024 Keynote Speaker
Dr Yunhong Jiang is an assistant professor at the Department of Applied Science, Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom. He obtained a PhD in Biochemical Engineering at the University of Leeds. His postdoctoral experience included positions at the University of Leeds, the University of Bath, and the University of Bristol. His research experience focused on Microbial Cell and Materials Interactions, Biological MOFs, and Functional and Sustainable Biopolymer Materials. Through groundbreaking research, Dr. Jiang explores novel techniques and methodologies to fabricate functional materials using biological systems as inspiration. His pioneering contributions have led to advancements in areas such as tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, biosensors, and more. His work spans across the realms of biotechnology, materials science, and engineering.
Topic of Keynote:
Biofabricated Advanced Materials for Diverse Applications

Dr. Konstantinos Lagoudakis
University of Strathclyde, UK
ICNFA 2024 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Konstantinos G. Lagoudakis is currently a Reader (Associate Professor) at the department of Physics of the University of Strathclyde. He received his PhD at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 2010 and has worked as a postdoctoral scholar and a research associate at Stanford University until 2017. In 2018, he joined Strathclyde where he established the Experimental Quantum Nanoscience Lab. His areas of expertise span from polariton condensates in microcavities, to the development of scalable solid-state quantum hardware. Currently he is investigating fundamental physics and applications of hybrid quantum nanotechnologies.
Topic of Keynote:
Fundamentals and Applications of Unconventional Spin Control in Nanostructures