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The keynote information for the 2nd World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (RAN'17) is as follows:
ICNNFC'17 Keynote Speakers:
Dr. George Palasantzas

George Palasantzas was born in Amfikleia (Greece) and studied Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece from 1984-1988. He obtained Fulbright fellowship and completed his MSc at Northeastern University in USA from 1989-1991, and subsequently his PhD with a Prof. J. Krim from 1991-1994. From 1994-1996 he did obligatory military service in Greece, and after PostDoc at TUDelft from 1996-1998 in the NEXT Laboratory (Nanophysics). From 1998-2000 he was PostDoc for NIMR/Groningen. From 2001-2014 worked as University Lecturer at the University of Groningen. From 2010-2013 he was the chairman of the ESF RNP CASIMIR. From 2014-present he was promoted to Professor in Physics. His current research interests are in Nanoscale roughness, Casimir effect and surface interactions, and Nanoparticle Physics (Energy storage, wetting, solar cells). He teaches Mathematical Physics (1 year) and Electronics (2 and 3 years).
Topic of Keynote: Casimir forces in MEMS/NEMS: Influence of nanoscale surface roughness and material optical properties

Dr. Claudia Delgado Simão

As a Marie Curie fellow, received her PhD (2011, UAB) working on smart surfaces with designed optical, magnetic and electrical properties. As a post-doctoral researcher (2011-2015) focused on surface nanopatterning. Currently, as Senior Scientist at Eurecat, is leading the Printed Electronics group and developing conformal, large area and cost effective innovative printed electronics solutions. Has participated and lead several national and European projects, authored multiple high impact publication and patent applications and received several awards for her research.
Topic of Keynote: Conformable Electronics: Recent Developments Towards Robust Printed Devices

ICNB'17 Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Vladimir A. Baulin

Dr. Vladimir A. Baulin leads a group of Soft Mater Theory at the University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain which has strong expertise in theory of polymer physics, soft matter theory and biophysics. He is a Coordinator of EU funded Initial Training Network SNAL.
Topic of Keynote: Designing Membrane-Active Nanoparticles: What are the Control Parameters?

ICNMS'17 Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Ille C. Gebeshuber

Prof. Ille C. Gebeshuber is Professor for Experimental Physics at the Vienna University of Technology. From 2008 until 2015 she was living and working in Malaysia, at the Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics of the National University. She is an experimental physicist with expertise in biomimetics, nanotechnology and tribology. During her years in the tropics she established the conceptual framework of new, safe, biomimetic approaches to materials engineering. These are now being put into reality.
Topic of Keynote: Towards Safe Biomimetic Nanotechnology: Inspirations from Nature

ICNEI'17 Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Clas Persson

Clas Persson, male, physicists ( Graduated in materials science at Linköping University, Sweden in 1999. Postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden and at National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden Colorado, USA, thereafter assistant professor 2004 at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Since 2011, professor in Theoretical Material Physics at Department of Physics, University of Oslo in Norway and at the same time, since 2007, associate professor at Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. His research involves first-principles atomistic modeling of semiconductors for various clean energy technologies, and also code development for large program packages for analyzing material properties. He has over 200 publications as collaborative works together with more than 250 researchers at 90 research groups world-wide, and he has supervised twenty postdoctors and research students at his teams in Oslo and in Stockholm.
Topic of Keynote: Tailor-Making Chalcopyrite Alloys for 100-Nm Thin Solar Cells

NDDTE'17 Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Clara Sandino

Clara Sandino (Bogotá, Colombia, 1975) is researcher at the Biomaterials, Biomechanics, and Tissue Engineering research group and visiting professor of biomaterials at the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain). She has a first degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), a Master´s degree in Industrial Engineering from the same university, a Master´s degree in Statistics from the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland), and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (Spain). After her PhD, she was awarded an Alberta Innovation Health Solution fellowship in 2012 at the University of Calgary (Canada). In 2015 Clara joined the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy for her current position.
Topic of Keynote: In Silico Studies of the Mechanical Stimuli within Bone Tissue and Bone-Tissue-Engineered-Scaffolds

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ISBN: 978-1-927877-28-9