Proceedings of the 9th World Congress
on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (RAN 2024)
April 08 - 10, 2024 | Imperial College London Conference Center, London, United Kingdom
The plenary and keynote information for the 9th World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (RAN 2024) is as follows:
Plenary Speakers

Dr. Diane Burgess
University of Connecticut, USA
NDDTE 2024 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Moein Moghimi
Newcastle University, UK
NDDTE 2024 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Leon Shaw
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
ICNNFC 2024 Plenary Speaker

Dr. Richard Syms
Imperial College London, UK
ICNNFC 2024 Plenary Speaker
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Manuela Calin
Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania
NDDTE 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Colm Durkan
University of Cambridge, UK
ICNNFC 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Martin Pisarcik
Comenius University, Slovakia
NDDTE 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Giovanni Tosi
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
NDDTE 2024 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Diane Burgess
University of Connecticut, USA
NDDTE 2024 Plenary Speaker
Diane J. Burgess, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor, Pfizer Distinguished Chair in Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Connecticut. B.Sc. Pharmacy, University of Strathclyde (1979) and Ph.D. Pharmaceutics, University of London (1984). Fellow of AAPS, CRS, APSTJ, AIMBE and the National Academy of Inventors. 2010 CRS President; 2002 AAPS President. Editor of International Journal of Pharmaceutics (2009 – 2018). Editorial board member of 13 international journals. Recipient of: 2023 AAPS Alice E. Till Advancement of Women in Pharmaceutical Sciences Recognition; 2023 University of Connecticut AAUP Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award; 2018 AAPS Wurster Award in Pharmaceutics; 2014 AAPS Research Achievement Award; 2014 AAPS Outstanding Educator Award; 2014 CRS Distinguished Service Award; 2013 AAPS IPEC Ralph Shangraw Award; 2010 CRSI Fellowship, 2011 APSTJ Nagai International Woman Scientist Award. Over 280 refereed publications, over 730 research presentations, over 342 invited presentations, 29 keynote and plenary addresses.
Founder, DIANT Pharma (2019). DIANT Pharma develops proprietary continuous manufacturing technology for nanoparticles with a wide array of applications throughout multiple industries, such as lipid nanoparticles and liposomes for pharmaceutical formulations. Inventor on 14 patents/patent applications, eleven of which have been licensed to companies and five products/product lines have already been commercialized.
Topic of Plenary: Continuous Manufacturing of Complex Parenterals such as mRNA Vaccines and Liposomes

Dr. Moein Moghimi
Newcastle University, UK
NDDTE 2024 Plenary Speaker
Moein Moghimi is a Professor of Pharmaceutics and Nanomedicine at the School of Pharmacy, and Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University (UK), and an Adjoint Professor at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy, University of Colorado, Denver. He is co-founder of S M Discovery Group Inc. and S M Discovery Group Ltd. He further serves as an Associate Editor of Molecular Therapy (the flagship journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy) and Drug Delivery (Taylor and Francis). Previously, he was Chair of Nanomedicine at Durham University (UK), Professor of Nanomedicine at Copenhagen University, Director of the Centre for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology (Copenhagen University), Visiting Professor at the University of Padova (Italy) and Affiliate Professor at Houston Methodist Research Institute (Texas). He graduated with Honors in Biochemistry from the University of Manchester (UK) in 1985 and completed his PhD in Biochemistry at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School (Imperial College). He is widely published and reported in the press, and recognised for his contribution to fundamental and translational research in nanomedicine and drug delivery, especially in mechanistic understanding of nanoparticle-mediated adverse reactions and complement activation processes, and as an inventor of many tissue-specific drug delivery systems and therapeutic platforms (e.g., NanoLigand Carriers for crossing the blood-brain barrier and targeting neurons and microglial cells). A 2021 study conducted by Stanford University list Moghimi among the top 0.1% of world’s leading scientists across in all fields, and top 60 in pharmacology in the world.
Topic of Plenary: Nanomedicine: A New Frontier in Precision Medicine

Dr. Leon Shaw
Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
ICNNFC 2024 Plenary Speaker
Dr. Leon L. Shaw is Rowe Family Endowed Chair Professor in Sustainable Energy and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, United States. He is the founding director of NSF Center of All-Solid-State Batteries. Dr. Shaw has extensive experience in nanomaterials synthesis and processing for applications in hydrogen storage, Li-ion batteries, solid-state batteries, and structural materials. He has authored and co-authored more than 300 archival refereed publications in these areas. Among these 300+ publications 229 are journal articles and invited chapters for books and encyclopedias. His publications have been cited more than 13,600 times with h-index of 61 and i10-index of 201 (according to Google Scholar). His publications are ranked top 1.4% citations for career-long impact among all scientific fields and top 0.2% citations for career-long impact in the subfield of “materials” (based on the composite score c compiled by Elsevier). His accomplishments are recognized worldwide with many honors and awards. Dr. Shaw is a Member of EU Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials, a Fellow of ASM International, a Fellow of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, and a Member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Topic of Keynote: Nanoscale Silicon Anodes for Next-Generation Li-ion Batteries

Dr. Richard Syms
Imperial College London, UK
ICNNFC 2024 Plenary Speaker
Richard Syms has been Professor of Microsystems Technology in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London since 1996. He was awarded BA and DPhil degrees from Oxford University in 1979 and 1982, respectively, both in Engineering Science. After postdoctoral positions at University College London, Oxford University, and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, he joined Imperial College in 1987 where he headed the Optical and Semiconductor Devices Group for almost 30 years. His research interests lie in electromagnetic theory, RF and optical engineering, metamaterials, sensors, and micro and nano technology. In 2001 he co-founded the Imperial College spin-out company Microsaic Systems, which developed the world’s first desktop electrospray mass spectrometers based on MEMS technology. Prof. Syms is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and Fellow of the Institute of Physics.
Topic of Keynote: STL NEMS in Silicon – Status and Limitations

Dr. Manuela Calin
Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania
NDDTE 2024 Keynote Speaker
Dr. Manuela Călin studied Physics at the University of Bucharest and graduated with an M.S. in Biophysics in 1996. She then joined the research group of the Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “N. Simionescu”, Bucharest where she received her Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences in 2005 under the supervision of Dr. Maya Simionescu. Then she performed a 3-year post-doc in “Biomaterials: nanocarriers for controlled drug release” at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry “Petru Poni”, Iasi, Romania. She received her Habilitation degree in Biology and Biochemistry in 2021. She is currently a scientific researcher grade I, head of the “Medical and Pharmaceutical BioNanoTechnologies” laboratory, and a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Cellular Biology and Pathology “N. Simionescu”. Her research interests lie within the field of Nanomedicine and are focused on the development of new and effective targeted drug delivery systems based on nanoparticles for cardiovascular diseases treatment. She received ten national and international prizes, and published 55 papers in ISI journals, cited >1700 times, h-index: 25 (as per Google Scholar).
Topic of Keynote: Nanotherapeutic Strategies to Reduce Vascular Inflammation in Cardiovascular Diseases

Dr. Colm Durkan
University of Cambridge, UK
NDDTE 2024 Keynote Speaker
Colm Durkan is a Professor of Nanoengineering Science at the University of Cambridge and is also the Head of the Engineering Department. He is a fellow of St Catharine’s College. He was elected to a fellowship of the Institute of Physics in 2009 and the Institute of Engineering & Technology in 2014.
Prof Durkan has led multiple projects with industrial partners (Including Samsung, Canon, Nokia, Unilever & BP-ICAM). Most recently, he has just secured £1M funding for a project looking into methods to mitigate against bubble formation on the surface of electrodes used for Hydrogen generation – this is one of the primary factors leading to low efficiency of the process. Since starting as a faculty member in 2000, Prof Durkan has led a research group consisting of up to 15 members, been head of the Nanoscience centre for four years (2009-2010 and 2015-2016), published over 150 papers, given over 130 talks, and developed several scanning-probe microscopes and techniques for nanoscale fabrication as well as manipulation and characterization of the electrical, mechanical and chemical properties of materials. His research ethos is wherever possible to tackle industrially-relevant problems from a fundamental perspective. He has a particular interest in functional and 2D materials as well as nano-scale electronic and molecular devices, and charge transport at nanometre lengthscales.
He has published a textbook in Nano/quantum electronics and a popular science book on Nanotechnology and is currently completing a textbook on the fundamentals of circuit analysis for electrical engineers with Cambridge University Press. He teaches courses in Electrical Engineering, Quantum Mechanics & Nanotechnology
Topic of Keynote: Graphene Nanoribbons for Bandgap Engineering

Dr. Martin Pisarcik
Comenius University, Slovakia
NDDTE 2024 Keynote Speaker
Assoc. prof. Martin Pisárčik graduated at the Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bratislava, Slovakia (1987), in the field of solid state physics. He received his PhD from the Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology (1992) in the field of technology of macromolecular compounds. He obtained his habilitation degree in the same professional field at the Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology (2009). Currently, he is the head of Department of Chemical Theory of Drugs at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Comenius University in Bratislava. His expert background and scientific interests are focused on novel amphiphilic molecules with distinct biological activity and synthesis and physical investigations of bioactive metal nanoparticles.
Topic of Keynote: Cationic Gemini Surfactants as Efficient Capping Agents of Silver And Gold Nanoparticles

Dr. Giovanni Tosi
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
NDDTE 2024 Keynote Speaker
Since November 2005, Dr. Giovanni Tosi is researcher in the scientific field of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (PI at the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, which belongs to the faculty of Pharmacy). Since 2015, he is associate professor in the same field. He got certificate for Full professor in 2017, and now he is full Professor since 2020.He was born in 1977 (March, 2nd) in Bologna, Italy, and got his degree in Pharmacy in 2002 with 110/110. He got his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2005 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. He was Coordinator of “Applied Technology” curricula for the PhD school in Health Products, member of Instruments Commission of Dep.Pharm.Sci., Contact Person ILO of Dep.Pharm.Sci, Research products, Representative of the Dep.Pharm.Sci. in the Central Board of Animal House and Committee for Research of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He now director of Hospital Pharmacy Specialization Programme and coordinator of KETs National Center for RNA drugs in Rare Diseases Spoke.
He is scientific delegate for international cooperation and coordinator of UNIMORE Nanomedicine Platform since 2017 and vice-chair of WG Nanotherapeutics in European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine since 2019 and now secretary of ETPN. The research activity is based on the development of lipid and polymeric systems for the delivery and the targeting of drugs to diseased tissues or cells. His works on nanomedicine for drug and gene delivery and targeting were honored with national prices and awards (La Manna Prize for Student Thesis he drived), Jorge Heller Oustanding Paper Award, 2005) and Innovation price (AFI2005, AFI 2006). His work on Nanoparticles for CNS drug delivery has been recently awarded as one of the Hot Topic (150 selected research over 19.000 proposals) at the World Neuroscience Meeting (Society for Neuroscience) in Washington DC, November 2011 and World Neuroscience Meeting (Society for Neuroscience) in New Orleans, November 2012. He is author or co-author of more than 100 publications in international journals and gave over 200 presentations (invited speaker, oral presentations and posters) in international and national congresses. He participated as collaborator or project leader in several Italian and International projects supported by the Italian Research Ministry, IMI project, Euronanomed grant, Ministry of International Cooperation Projects and POR FESR project. He is now collaborating with a broad network of scientists in the field confirmed by the international participation to publications and many national and international industries (Chiesi, Pfizer, Sanofi, Gilead Sciences, Biomarin). He currently acts as referee for the top journals in nanotechnology and nanomedicine such as Journal of Controlled Release, Biomaterial, Nanomedicine and many other journals dealing with Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine.He is Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of a number of international journals.
Topic of Keynote: Nanomedicine hype: from Covid to Brain Diseases