Proceedings of the 7th World Congress
on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE'22)
April 10 - 12, 2022 | Lisbon, Portugal
Virtual Conference
The keynote information for the 7th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE'22) is as follows:

Dr. Dipanjan Basu
University of Waterloo, Canada
ICGRE'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Hesham El Naggar
Western University, Canada
ICGRE'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. David Toll
Durham University, UK
ICGRE'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Federico Accornero
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
ICSECT'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Brahim Benmokrane
University Of Sherbrook, Canada
ICSECT'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Ivo Caliò
Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
ICSECT'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Paulo B. Lourenço
University of Minho, Portugal
ICSECT'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Adil Al-Mayah
University of Waterloo, Canada
ICSECT'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Rana Sabouni
American University of Sharjah, UAE
ICEPTP'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Shahid Azam
University of Regina, Canada
ICEPTP'22 Keynote Speaker

Dr. Dipanjan Basu
University of Waterloo, Canada
ICGRE Keynote
Dr. DIPANJAN BASU is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo (UW) (Canada). He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut (USA) before joining UW. Dr. Basu obtained his academic degrees from Purdue University (USA), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (India), and Jadavpur University (India). He is a Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario in Canada, and a Chartered Engineer and Professional Engineer in India. He is a member of several learned societies in USA, Canada, and India.
Dr. Basu has broad research and teaching interests that include Foundations and Soil Structure Interaction, Energy Geotechnics, Sustainability and Resilience Quantification in Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Constitutive Modeling, Blast Analysis of Geo-structures, Probabilistic Analysis, Soil Dynamics, and Ground Improvement. He has close to 150 peer reviewed publications with more than 60 refereed articles in reputed journals. Dr. Basu has delivered several keynotes and invited lectures in the U.S.A., Canada, South Africa, Argentina, India, China, and Kazakhstan. He has taught professional and university short courses in the U.S.A., South Africa, India, and Ethiopia.
Dr. Basu is a member of Tau Beta Pi, and a recipient of the Telford Premium Award (U.K.), IGS-P.J. Rao-Y.R. Phill Biennial Award 2020 (India), Fugro Fellowship (U.S.A.), ExCEEd Teaching Fellowship (U.S.A.), and Prof. S. Neogi Award (India), among other accolades. He is a fellow of the Indian Geotechnical Society and the Institution of Engineers (India). He is a past chair of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations division of the Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS). He is also a past chair of the ISSMGE and ASCE-GI technical committees on Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering, and vice-chair of the CGS technical committee on Sustainable Geotechnics. Dr. Basu served as an Associate Editor of the ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering and was in the editorial board of Proceedings of the ICE – Geotechnical Engineering.
Topic of Keynote:
Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering - A Research Perspective

Dr. Hesham El Naggar
Western University, Canada
ICGRE'22 Keynote
Dr. El Naggar is a Distinguished University Professor of Western University, Canada. He is Editor-In-Chief of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering and past Associate Editor of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. He published more than 450 technical papers/book chapters on foundations, soil-structure interaction and geotechnical earthquake engineering; and consulted on major projects worldwide. He is the main developer of software DYNA6 used worldwide for design of foundations for dynamic loads. He received numerous awards including: Geosynthetics, Stermac, Meyerhof, Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium Speaker, Western University Distinguished Professorship, Faculty Scholar Award, Outstanding Teaching, and Research Excellence Awards as well as the 2015 Ontario Professional Engineers Medal for Engineering Research & Development. He is an elected Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineers, Engineering Institute of Canada and the American Society for Civil Engineers.
Topic of Keynote:
Seismic Performance of Helical Piles

Dr. David Toll
Durham University, UK
ICGRE'22 Speaker
David Toll is Professor of Engineering and Co-Director of the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience at Durham University. He is Chair of the British Geotechnical Association and has just completed an 8-year term as Chair of the Technical Committee on Unsaturated Soils of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers. He has been carrying out research into geo-hazards related to unsaturated and tropical soils for over 35 years. The main applications of his research are in the impacts of climate change on infrastructure slopes, rainfall-induced landslides and use of naturally occurring materials in road construction. He is Principal Investigator on major grants relating to climate adaptation: CACTUS (£1.76M) and Transport Africa (£1.1M) and Co-Investigator on the ACHILLES programme grant (£4.8M). He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Springer Nature journal, Geotechnical & Geological Engineering and has served as a member of the Editorial Boards for Géotechnique and Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology.
Topic of Keynote:
Protecting Geo-Infrastructure from Climate Change

Dr. Federico Accornero
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
ICSECT'22 Keynote
Federico ACCORNERO is currently adj. professor of Structural Mechanics at the National School of the Italian Army (Turin-Italy) and Fellow of the Shantou University (Guangdong-China). He received his PhD in Structural Engineering with distinction at Politecnico di Torino (Turin-Italy) in 2014. Before that, he studied at Politecnico di Torino and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris-France).
His main research interests are: Fracture Mechanics; Next-generation Reinforced Concrete; Acoustic Emission Testing. Several of his researches have been published in international peer-reviewed journals, including ACI Structural Journal, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, FIB Structural Concrete, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Cement and Concrete Composites, Magazine of Concrete Research, Construction and Building Materials, Engineering Structures.
Topic of Keynote:
Fibre-Reinforced and Hybrid-Reinforced Concrete: An Updated Bridged Crack Model with Softening Pull-Out

Dr. Brahim Benmokrane
University Of Sherbrook, Canada
ICSECT'22 Keynote
Professor Brahim Benmokrane is one of the world’s top in the field of structural concrete internally reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement. He has made outstanding contributions to research, teaching, innovation, and leadership targeting the development of FRP reinforcement for concrete structures and their durability, structural performance, field applications, development of design codes and standards and the relentless pursuit of knowledge transfer to industry. His research has significantly influenced the development of concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars, building codes, design specifications, and its practical use in North America and beyond. Professor Benmokrane holds the Tier–1 Canada Research Chair in Advanced Composite Materials for Civil Structures and the NSERC-Alliance Industrial Research Chair in Innovative FRP Reinforcement for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructures at the Department of Civil and Building Engineering at the University of Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada). His research has significantly influenced the development of concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars, building codes, design specifications, and its practical use in North America and beyond.
Topic of Keynote:
Recent Canadian Developments Related to FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Design Codes, and Applications in Buildings and Bridges

Dr. Ivo Caliò
Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
ICSECT'22 Keynote
Ivo Caliò received his PhD in Structural Engineering in 1995 investigating the large displacement response of structures subjected to uplift foundations during earthquakes. In 1997 he started is academic career at the University of Catania in Italy where he continued his research on nonlinear dynamics and earthquake engineering. He supervised many PhD students and post-doctoral researches working on seismic vulnerability and retrofitting of existing buildings not designed to resist earthquakes and proposed a new computational strategy for the simulation of the nonlinear behaviour of masonry structures known as Discrete Macro-Element Method (DMEM). In 2009 he initiated a research group, involving many PhD students and academic researchers, for the development of advanced structural engineering software based on the DMEM, suitable both for academic investigations and practical engineering. Within this research topic two structural analysis programs have been developed: 3DMacro for masonry buildings and HiStrA (Historical Structure Analysis) focused on the Structural Assessment of Historical Monumental Structures and Masonry Bridges. A key feature of his work has been extensive international collaboration with fellow academics particularly in Portugal and UK. From 2012 he is collaborating with Prof Paulo Lourenco of the university of Minho and his research team on the use and validation of the DMEM for masonry monumental structures and masonry bridge. In 2015 he started a collaboration with Prof Bassam Izzuddin of the Imperial College of London on the seismic vulnerability assessment and innovative retrofitting strategies of buildings not designed to resist earthquakes. A key feature of this research has been the use of high fidelity models, implemented in the software ADAPTIC developed by Prof Izzuddin, capable of considering progressive collapse scenario, triggered by earthquakes, and accounting for the contribution of non-structural elements. Aiming at identifying suitable retrofitting strategies for existing buildings, innovative low impact solutions have been proposed which are being applied in structural engineering practice. His publication record exceeds 180 papers in leading international journal and conferences.
Topic of Keynote:
Seismic Vulnerability and Retrofitting Of RC Buildings Not Designed To Resist Earthquakes

Dr. Paulo B. Lourenço
University of Minho, Portugal
ICSECT'22 Keynote
Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal, and Head of the Institute in Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering, with 250 researchers. Experienced in the fields of non-destructive testing, advanced experimental and numerical techniques, innovative repair and strengthening techniques, and earthquake engineering. Specialist in structural conservation and forensic engineering, with work on 100+ monuments including 17 UNESCO World Heritage. Leader of the revision of the European masonry code (EN 1996-1-1). Coordinator of the European Master on Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, with alumni from 70+ countries and European Heritage / Europa Nostra Award (most prestigious in Europe). Editor of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage and advisor of the Conference Series on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Supervised more than 60 PhD theses and coordinate multiple national and international research projects. Awarded an Advanced European Research Council Grant of 3.0 M€ to develop an integrated seismic assessment approach for heritage buildings. Coordinator of an innovative training network sustainable building lime applications via circular economy and biomimetic approaches with 15 PhD students across Europe.
Topic of Keynote:
Monuments and Historic Buildings: Monuments and Historic Buildings: Earthquakes and Structural Engineering

Dr. Adil Al-Mayah
University of Waterloo, Canada
ICSECT'22 Keynote
Dr. Adil Al-Mayah has a blend of work experience in both the engineering and medical fields, resulting in the licensing of ground-breaking innovations in both areas. Dr. Al-Mayah’s expertise includes material characterizations, composite materials mechanics, imaging, biomechanical-based deformable image registration, biomechanical characterization of soft tissues, and cancer mechanics. He is the director of the Imaging-Mechanics Integration Laboratory (IMILab) at the University of Waterloo equipped with a state-of-the-art high resolution (20 μm) computed tomography (CT) imaging system, in addition to advanced computing facilities. The IMILab has attracted many researchers from different fields including environmental, earth science, building science, applied health and materials, in additional to civil and mechanical engineering fields. Al-Mayah’s current research programs have resulted in the development of economical gripping systems for prestressing fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) plates and rods. These economical systems are epoxy free, compact, and reusable. Also, he developed innovative components-based material characterization methods that integrate mechanics into 3D imaging to account for the contributions internal components of materials including voids, cracks, and corrosion.
Topic of Keynote:
Toward Durable Structures: Novel Design and Advanced Material Characterization

Dr. Shahid Azam
University of Regina, Canada
ICEPTP'22 Keynote
Shahid Azam is Professor of Environmental Systems Engineering at the University of Regina. He has worked for 30 years in the fields of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. Through his research, he has devised advanced testing methods and modeling protocols to manage civil infrastructure and mining wastes. He has trained dozens of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows and has authored more than 140 publications in peer reviewed journals and international conferences.
Topic of Keynote:
Improved Dewatering of Mine Waste Tailings

Dr. Rana Sabouni
American University of Sharjah, UAE
ICEPTP'22 Keynote
Dr. Rana Sabouni earned her MESc and PhD in Chemical Engineering from Western University (Canada) in 2009 and 2013, respectively. While doing so, she was awarded several scholarships and merit awards including OGS, and MITACS. She worked as a Post-Doctorate at Western University until joining American University of Sharjah as assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering in September 2014. Recently, she was prompted to Associate professor of chemical engineering at AUS. Since then, Dr. Rana Sabouni has been actively involved with significant contributions in research and teaching, in addition to university and community service. In 2020, Dr. Rana Sabouni was awarded the Teaching Excellence Award. Her list of publications includes more than 37 research papers in high impact factor refereed Journals (Q1 and Q2), in addition to a number of conference proceedings and presentations. Dr. Rana Sabouni main research interest includes Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and their applications in drug delivery, and wastewater treatment. She supervised and co-supervised more than 10 Master’s students and several senior design projects.
Topic of Keynote:
Recent Trends in Wastewater Treatment with Emphasis on Metal- Organic Frameworks (MOFs)