Proceedings of the 5th International Conference
on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE'20)
November 12 - 14, 2020 | Ottawa, Canada
Virtual Conference
The keynote information for the 5th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE'20) is as follows:

Dr. Mijia Yang
University of North Dakota, USA

Dr. Khaled Sennah
Ryerson University, Canada

Dr. Adil Al-Mayah
University of Waterloo, Canada

Dr. Maged A. Youssef
University of Western Ontario, Canada
ICCSTE'20 Keynote Speakers

Dr. Mijia Yang
University of North Dakota, USA
Dr. Mijia Yang, P.E., was a tenured associate professor at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North Dakota State University.
Dr. Yang has practiced teaching and research broadly in structural and transportation engineering. He has taught Steel Design, Dynamic of Structures, and several others for the last 5 years. His research concentrates on impact and blast protection with advanced engineering materials, multi-scale modeling of composite and concrete materials, smart health monitoring in Civil Infrastructure, and self-healing concrete. His representative work included developing a systematic design method for impact barriers, a unified fatigue criterion for uniaxial Polyurethane E-Glass composite laminates, damage detection through guided wave, and a creep design methodology for Epoxy bonded anchor systems. Dr. Yang has participated in several state and national projects during his career, including “Effect of intermediate diaphragms on prestressed concrete bridge girders for over-height truck impacts” and “Testing of window connections specially designed for blast loading”. Dr. Yang also won several national and international awards, including the Philip E. Rollhaus, Jr. Roadway Safety Essay Contest held by Quixote in 2005, the faculty research award at the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2007, the ASCE travel award in 2005, and the ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering Outstanding Reviewer award in 2012 and 2018. Dr. Yang is currently serving as the associate editor of Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, and has more than 100 publications, including journal papers, conference papers, and reports in the field of composites, structural testing and characterization.
Topic of Keynote:
An Innovative Bridge Inspection Technique through Drive-by Vehicles – A Special Application on Prestress Loss Identification

Dr. Khaled Sennah
Ryerson University, Canada
Dr. Khaled Sennah is a Professor of Structural Engineering and Chair of the Civil Engineering Department at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in civil engineering from Alexandria University of Egypt in 1985 and 1990, respectively, and his Ph.D. in structural engineering from University of Windsor in 1998. Dr. Sennah, core area of expertise includes design, evaluation and rehabilitation of bridges on which he has more than 260 publications and supervised over 75 graduate students. He has demonstrated numerous evidences of impact and contribution to economical design and sustainable construction that led to field applications and standards. In collaboration with Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and industry partners in USA, Canada and Germany, his research team conducted innovative research including (i) the development of prefabricated bridge elements and connection technologies to accelerate bridge construction, (ii) development of crashworthy and cost-effective, bridge barrier and deck slabs reinforced with glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars for sustainable construction and (iii) cost-effective and accelerated FRP repair strategy to bridge girders damaged by vehicle impact. Dr. Sennah’s research achievements have been recognized by international awards such as the 1999 Arthur Wellington Prize for best journal paper in transportation-related infrastructure and the 2002 State-of-the-Art in Civil Engineering award, both from the American Society for Civil Engineers. Also, he received the 1998 P.L. Pratley Award for best journal paper in bridge engineering and the 2013 A.B. Sanderson Award from the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering for “Outstanding Contributions by a Civil Engineer to the Development and Practice of Structural Engineering in Canada.” In recognition of his long-term achievements, he was elected Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) in 2011, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) in 2016, and Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) in 2017. He is currently an Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal for Civil Engineering. Also, he is a member of three Canadian Standard Association’s Technical Committees for the development of the Highway Bridge Design Code. Dr. Sennah has a long history of significant contributions to the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) through committee membership, membership of scientific committees of conferences, Chairing conferences and chairing CSCE Structures Division and others. He is currently an Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal for Civil Engineering. Also, he is a member of the Canadian Standard Association’s Technical Committee on Section 5 – Methods of Analysis and Technical Committee on Section 12 – Barriers and highway accessory for the development of the 2019 Highway Bridge Design Code (CAN/CSA S6-19), in addition to five ACI technical committees and subcommittees.
Topic of Keynote:
Recent Advances in Accelerated Bridge Replacement

Dr. Adil Al-Mayah
University of Waterloo, Canada
Dr. Adil Al-Mayah has a unique blend of work experience in both the engineering and medical fields, resulting in the licensing of ground-breaking innovations in both areas. Professor Al-Mayah’s expertise includes material characterizations, composite materials mechanics, image registration, biomechanical characterization of soft tissues, and cancer mechanics. He is the director of the Imaging-Mechanics Integration laboratory (IMI Lab) at the University of Waterloo that serves researchers from a wide range of fields including civil and mechanical engineering, environmental, earth science, and building science.
Topic of Keynote:
An Emerging Paradigm for the Integration of Mechanics and Imaging for Material Characterization

Dr. Maged A. Youssef
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Dr. Maged A. Youssef is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Western Ontario. He received his PhD from McMaster University, Canada, in 2000, and then joined Murray Engineering P.C., New York City, as senior structural engineer. Dr. Youssef joined Western in August of 2002. He was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2009 and to the rank of Professor in 2015. He also acted as the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Affairs from 2012 to 2015. Dr. Youssef received the 2007 R. Mohan Mathur Award for Excellence in Teaching. In addition to university teaching, he is actively involved in professional development of practicing engineers. Dr. Youssef’s research focus on improving safety of our civil structures to natural and man-made disasters. His research covers areas in Earthquake Engineering, Structural Fire Engineering, and Smart Materials and Systems. He shared in publishing three standards. He also published 2 book chapters, 57 journal articles, 55 conference papers, and several technical reports. He presented his research as a keynote/expert speaker in national and international conferences. He was also invited to present his research at Tohoku University (Japan), Kyoto University (Japan), and South China University of Technology (China). Dr. Youssef supervised 12 PhD students, and 8 Master students to graduation. He is currently supervising 3 PhD students and 2 Master Students. He is an active member of the professional Committees of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers and the American Concrete Institute. He is licenced professional engineer and is actively involved in structural engineering consulting activities.
Topic of Keynote:
Objective and Performance-Based Design in Structural Fire Engineering