Proceedings of the International Conference
on Statistics: Theory and Applications (ICSTA'19)


The following papers were presented at the International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications (ICSTA'19)

Massive Dimensionality Reduction for the Left Ventricular Mesh
Authors: Lukasz Romaszko, Alan Lazarus, Hao Gao, Agnieszka Borowska, Xiaoyu Luo, Dirk Husmeier

Quantification of Myocardial Perfusion Lesions using Spatially Variant Finite Mixture Modelling of DCE-MRI
Authors: Yalei Yang, Hao Gao, Colin Berry, Aleksandra Radjenovic, Dirk Husmeier

MCMC with delayed acceptance using a surrogate model with an application to cardiovascular fluid dynamics
Authors: L. Mihaela Paun, Mitchel Colebank, Umar Qureshi, Mette Olufsen, Nicholas Hill, Dirk Husmeier

Statistical Emulation of Cardiac Mechanics: An Important Step towards a Clinical Decision Support System
Authors: Dirk Husmeier, Alan Lazarus, Umberto Noe, Vinny Davies, Agnieszka Borowska, Benn Macdonald, Hao Gao, Colin Berry, Xiaoyu Luo

A Study on Discrete-time Movement Models
Authors: Ionut Alexandru Paun, Dirk Husmeier, Colin Torney

Bayesian Experimental Design: Efficient Exploration of the Design Space
Authors: Lida Mavrogonatou, Vladislav Vyshemirsky

Outdoor Acoustics: Range Estimation of Gunfire over an Acoustically Soft Impedance Ground in a Homogeneous Atmosphere
Authors: Jordan Parry, Kirill Horoshenkov, Duncan Williams