Author Guidelines
Style Guide
Submitted manuscripts can be in word format (.doc or .docx) or PDF. Each manuscript can be up to 8000 words, which translates to around 12 pages in the template (including images and references).
The first page of the manuscript should clearly display the following information:
- Paper title
- Full name(s) of the author(s)
- Affiliation
- Full institutional mailing address
- Email address
For a complete style guide description, please refer to Manuscript Template (.docx). This document is formatted according to Avestia’s style guide so that authors may directly use the template to structure their paper. All papers must comply with the template as a condition of acceptance.
Quality Control and Submission Guide
Avestia is dedicated towards maintaining a high scholarly standard for each and every journal via our team of editors and reviewers. All submitted manuscripts are single blind peer-reviewed by several experts in the relevant field according to the journal’s scope. The peer-review system works as follows:
- The paper is received and then sent to several experts for review.
- After receiving all completed reviews and their recommendations (i.e. accepted, accepted with minor revisions, accepted with major revisions, rejected), Avestia contacts the author with a decision regarding its acceptance or rejection.
- If accepted, Avestia emails the author with a list of the completed reviews. With these critiques, the author may revise their paper and submit a final draft.
- Avestia sends the revised paper to the author’s original reviewers for a final critique and decision.
- If recommended for acceptance, Avestia contacts the author with a final decision.
- Finally, a word document (.doc or .docx) of the paper must be submitted successive to acceptance which will be edited by the publisher to ensure accuracy to the style guide. The proofs are then returned to the author for final review prior to publication.
All articles will be assigned unique DOIs and will be published in the latest open volume. One continuous volume per year is published.
Originality and Plagiarism
Papers must be original research or review articles that have not been published or submitted elsewhere for possible publication. Identically duplicate or plagiarized manuscripts will be retracted immediately.
Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as one’s own and without proper given credit. Avestia is dedicated to maintaining a high standard of ethics in publishing, and thus plagiarism, malpractice, and misconduct will not be tolerated. Articles proven of such actions will be retracted immediately.
In order to combat plagiarism in publishing, Avestia uses a plagiarism detecting software called Plagiarism Checker X as of January 2019 on all submissions prior to the review process and acceptance. Avestia archives the generated plagiarism report in case of any future plagiarism inquiries.
For more details about Avestia’s policies on ethics, please visit: Avestia Ethics in Publishing.
The contact author of the article must fill out and submit a copyright form upon acceptance of the paper and prior to publication. Failure to do so will result in retraction of the paper.
Please note that this form indicates that the author retains the copyright to his/her article, which shall be licensed openly under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (
Publishing Fees
Avestia Publishing has adopted the Open Access model for all journals. This ensures free public access to all the articles and materials published with no subscription fees. The goal is to ensure that all readers have access to quality scholarly articles.
In the Open Access format, all publication costs are paid for by the authors. These costs are often considered part of research expenses and may be paid for or reimbursed by affiliated institutions or funding agencies. Please consider securing funding from a variety of sources for publication fees.
Avestia does not charge an article submission fee to submit an article for the possibility of publishing. Following acceptance, Avestia only charges an article processing charge (APC) in order to publish the paper.
The APC covers the entire publication process including the editorial management, peer-review, language copy-editing, typesetting, reference validation and linking, plagiarism checking software, DOI purchase, submission to indexing platforms, and online hosting.
The APC is a non-refundable processing fee of 600 CAD (plus 13% sales tax will be applied for Canadian residents and Canadian citizens; international attendees are exempted) per article, which must be paid upon acceptance of a manuscript and prior to the final publication. For more information, please contact us at info[@]
To complete the payment process, please visit payment and follow the on-screen instructions.
If an author or prospective author has any questions about the items discussed in the Author Guidelines, please email for clarification.
Manuscript System
The Avestia Manuscript Submission System (AMSS) is now live. Please note that this is a beta version of the submission system for manuscripts at Avestia. Please contact if you encounter any problems with the system.
Ethics in Publishing
At Avestia, we take matters that relate to ethics in publishing very seriously. We believe that the peer-review publication process is a vital building block of academia, and its integrity must be maintained at all costs.
Author Guidelines
All submitted manuscript will be peer-reviewed by several experts in the field. Upon acceptance, articles will be published in the latest open volume. One continuous volume per year is published.
Open Access
Currently, all of the journals published by Avestia are based on the Open Access (OA) model. This model allows unrestricted and free access to the full content of the published articles.

The Avestia Manuscript Submission System (AMSS) is now live. Please note that this is a beta version of the submission system. Contact if you encounter any problems with the system.